3/31/2004 09:07:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|The world is getting worse and worse by the day. People are getting more and more sophisticated that they start to turn all ther time from the Lord and into all this gadgets. Families are not getting together anymore in prayers and praise. All our time is dedicated to "making money" for the "better future". That's just some works of the devil. We are not tempted to sin, such as pornography or stealing or free sex and more stuffs like that, but satan is getting to the core of Christianity and turning it into some routine that has no meaning. It still makes us empty. Did we ever wonder why we feel more and more far away from the Lord everyday. We pray, yes. We sing praises, yes. We read the scripture, yes. But it all seems like worthless, we still feel hopeless. That's what satan is doing in these "last moments". satan is breaking up husbands and wife, kids and parents. sister and brother. All starting from the smallest "church" that is called a family. Once the family is crushed, then the whole Christianity is crushed. And more and more people are gonna accompany satan in its lair. just what satan wanted, without us knowing that we are all lured into it.
Dear All, SEKEDAR RENUNGAN ....... KONGRES SETAN Suatu ketika para setan berkumpul mengadakan kongres setan sedunia. Pada pidato pembukaannya, sang pemimpin berkata: "Kita gak mungkin menjauhkan umat kristiani dari gereja. Kita tidak bisa mencegah mereka membaca Alkitab dan mengetahui kebenarannya. Kita bahkan tidak bisa mencegah mereka berhubungan dengan Sang Penyelamat. Sekali mereka memperoleh kontak dengan Jesus, maka kekuasaan kita akan hancur." "Biarkan saja mereka ke gereja. Begitu mereka selesai makan malam, curilah waktunya, sehingga mereka tidak punya waktu untuk membangun hubungan dengan Jesus Kristus." "Inilah yang harus kalian lakukan," kata setan. "Jauhkan mereka dari Sang Penyelamat, dan konsentrasilah ke jaringan- jaringan vital yang mengatur hidup mereka sepanjang hari." "Apa yang harus kami lakukan?" teriak setan-setan yang hadir. "Buat mereka sibuk untuk hal-hal yang sepele dalam hidup mereka dan dapat mempengaruhi jalan pikiran mereka," jawab Sang Pemimpin. "Perbanyak waktu luang mereka dan sibukkan. Usahakan ibu-ibu rumah tangga bekerja lebih lama dan suaminya bekerja 6-7 hari seminggu, 10-12 jam sehari, sehingga mereka tidak sempat bersosialisasi. Buat mereka tidak punya waktu luang buat anak. Begitu keluarga mereka terpecah, maka kesibukan menjadi tempat pelarian." "Arahkan jalan pikiran mereka sehingga tidak mendengar hati nurani lagi. Usahakan mereka memutar kaset atau mendengarkan radio pada saat mengemudi. Jaga agar TV, VCD Player, CD dan komputer tetap diputar terus menerus dirumah mereka, dan usahakan tidak terdengar lagu-lagu rohani di setiap toko maupun restoran yang ada didunia. Ini akan mempengaruhi pikiran mereka dan memutuskan hubungan dengan Kristus." "Isi ruang tamu mereka dengan majalah dan suratkabar. Penuhi pikiran mereka dengan berita selama 24 jam. Pasang billboard/iklan disepanjang jalan agar terbaca pada saat berkendaraan. Banjiri kotak suratnya dengan katalog barang, promosi barang, undian dan segala macam penawaran barang gratisan dengan janji-janji palsu." "Percantik semua model yang muncul di majalah majalah dan TV, sehingga para suami merasa kecantikan lahiriah lebih penting,dan merasa kecewa dengan penampilan istri sendiri." "Buat para istri kelelahan sehingga tiada waktu bercinta dengan suami di malam hari. Bikin mereka sakit kepala juga. Jika mereka tidak bisa memberikan kasih sayang kepada suami seperti layaknya, maka mereka akan berpaling ke orang lain alias selingkuh. Ini akan mempercepat keluarga tersebut berantakan." "Berikan mereka Sinterklas agar para orang tua tidak sempat menerangkan arti natal kepada anak-anaknya. Berikan mereka telur Paskah sehingga mereka tidak pernah berbicara tentang arti penebusan dan kuasa atas dosa dan kematian. Bahkan saat rekreasi, biarkan mereka bertingkah berlebihan. Begitu mereka pulang dari rekreasi, badan mereka akan kecapaian. Usahakan mereka tetap sibuk dan jangan biarkan mereka pergi ke alam bebas yang bisa membuat mereka kagum atas ciptaan Tuhan. Kirim mereka ke taman bermain, tempat berolahraga, mal, konser musik dan bioskop tentunya. "Pokoknya bikin mereka sibuk, sibuk, sibuk !" "Jika mereka menghadiri kebaktian atau persekutuan doa, libatkan mereka dalam gossip dan basa basi sehingga mereka tidak sadar ada dimana saat itu. Kacaukan hidupkan mereka dengan harta benda yang menyebabkan mereka tidak punya waktu untuk mencari kekuatan dari Jesus. Ini akan membuat mereka bekerja dengan kekuatan sendiri, mengorbankan kesehatan mereka dan keluarga hanya untuk harta benda atau materi." "Ini pasti berhasil.....!!!!!" "Ini pasti berhasil.....!!!!!" Ini adalah sebuah rencana sederhana. Setan-setan nampaknya telah melaksanakan tugas mereka karena banyak umat kristiani didunia ini terlihat begitu sibuk kesana kemari. Hanya mempunyai sedikit waktu buat Tuhan dan keluarga. Tidak punya waktu untuk menceritakan ke orang lain tentang kuasa Tuhan yang telah mengubah hidup mereka. Apakah setan telah sukses dengan rencananya? Anda nilai sendiri ! Apakah BUSY (sibuk) berarti : B-eing U-nder S-atan's Y-oke? Semoga Damai sejahtera dari Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus menyertaimu senantiasa God and Family Is Important
So are we gonna let satan do that to us. Well again I said unto you, it's all up to each one of us. You and me. God has given us the free will to do anything. But there is still consequences for all our actions. So what are we gonna do? Think about it.... - What do you think - |W|P|108069994388638979|W|P|Satanic Congress, just a thought....|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/30/2004 01:06:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Hi all, I've been thinking. How can I be a better person. Have I been a good friend to all my "friends" or maybe to the people i know? Have I been a friend that they will remember for a long time to come. Or have I been just a pain in the butt for most people. I kept thinking about this cause I see that these few days, a few of my friends are trying to avoid me. I mean they don't really answer my questions, they try not to get near me. Well at least one person is. He was one of my closest friend. We can talk and he would comment on anything that I do that maybe he likes or dislike. So it's like a brother thingy. But now, after he has a girlfriend, he changed. I mean his girlfriend is also my close friend, in fact before they started the relationship I was closer to her than he was, but of course because I already had a GF and nothing "special" between us, it was just the best friendship. Is he jealous because I was so close to her before? Is he scared that I might catch her eyes and turn from him. I mean think about it, I'm not gonna do that. When I am with one girl, I tend to stay with that one without playing behind her back. And I'm not interested in this girl like "that kinda interest" I mean she's just a good friend to have a conversation with and share thoughts on many subjects. I was wondering, and really everyone is wondering what is going on with him. He has just become sooooo different now from what he was before. Is this the REAL him or the SCARED HIM, I don't know. The girl has also talked to me several times about his attitude and she was also bothered, but I guess she still loves him (that's what she said) because even they had a very big argument and everyone wants to win. So what's wrong with you Buddy. Don't worry I have never thought about taking your girl if that's what you are afraid of, but if you have something on your mind, please say so and not just hide it deep in your heart and make you look different with all those suspicions that are going on in your head. Best of luck to you. Hope everything will be better soon. You and her, you and me, you and everybody else. Cause it's such a shame that we as friends have to act like that towards each other. I never hated you but sometimes I just don't understand how you think. What's going on in your head? What's bothering you? Anyway whatever it is, hope you get through it soon. Or is it me? I wonder........... - What do you think - |W|P|108062870617740561|W|P|Is it me? I wonder|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/29/2004 02:09:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Today I'm starting to read "God Chasers" by Tonny Tenney. Amazing, really interesting. So I wanna just read some more OK. The title caught me. I mean how can anyone "chase" God. Did He do something wrong that we must chase Him. Or is He so physical that we may catch Him. Well from what I just read it's the heart of God that we may catch and when we caught it, we won't be chasing anymore but God will start to catch us with His everlasting love. Confused, so am I. I mean I haven't really understand the whole thing. That's why I just wanna read first. Maybe if anyone has read this wonderful book may want to help me here.
What is a "God Chaser?" A God chaser is an individual whose hunger exceeds his reach. A God chaser is a person whose passion for God's presence presses him to chase the impossible in the hope that the uncatchable might catch him. A child chases a loving parent until, suddenly, the strong arms of the father enfold the chaser. The pursuer becomes the captive; the pursued the captor. Paul put it this way: "I chase after that I may catch that which apprehended me" (Philippians 3:12). Many throughout history, from those in the Bible, to more contemporary writers, preachers, pastors, and theologians, all share one common bond: an insatiable hunger to know their Lord. Add your name to the list... become a God chaser. Who knows? You might be one whom He catches. (from the back of the book) "I must warn you, this is a dangerous book. If you are comfortable and complacent and want to stay that way, don't even open it's pages!" (Cindy Jacobs, Co-founder, Generals of Intercession)
So do you wanna catch Him? - What do you think - |W|P|108054535935863180|W|P|God Chasers|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/27/2004 08:57:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Yeah, how bout that.....Am I turning into a weblog geek...
37.5 %

My weblog owns 37.5 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?
well is that good or bad, has weblogging slowly but sure taking on my life.....I wonder. - What do you think - |W|P|108035283725503638|W|P|Does your weblog own you?|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/26/2004 08:30:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well I've been thinking, why sometimes things are just turning into something really bad and nothing seems to get better. I had this experience. But when my friend called me last night, it made me realize it once again and can help my friend with my past experience. Well my friend was having trouble with her boyfriend and she was furious. This guy just doesn't wanna know anything outside of what he's thinking. You know what I mean. Well her boyfriend is a little narrow minded maybe from the lack of experience that he's had in the past. Well he sometimes just thinks to himself and get the feeling that all of his thoughts are correct and noone can say otherwise. He is very suspicious of his girlfriend that he thinks lots of negative things considering my friend. My friend was not allowed anymore to have other male friends and not allowed to go anywhere without his acknowledgement. Sometimes throughout the day he would call or maybe send messages asking where she is. To me that's really annoying, but my friend can learn to live with it because she said that she's in love with her man. I asked her to really consider carefully about this. But what I can see lacking in their relationship is that they lack a lot of TRUST. Yup, as you all probably know trust is the base of all relationship. Once there's no trust, when you start thinking negatively and untrusting your partner without reason then you are jeopardizing the whole relationship. I talked to her about this. I told her that she has to start trusting him and make him trust her, fully. If he doesn't want to start the whole thing then it's not wrong for her to start first. If you want to make something work, one must put away all the ego in oneself and start being humble and try to solve the problem. Well it's kinda hard about this guy because he just doesn't wanna know. Once he thinks that she's doing something wrong then that's the "truth" he's gonna believe, no matter what she says and what she can prove otherwise but he just doesn't buy it. Sometimes people can be so egocentric. Don't you think? Well from this perspective I told her that maybe God is giving us lessons on life and how to deal with problems. I gave her a parrable like this: Think of this situation as us (the whole people of the world) as students in a school. We are supposed to learn some basic things about life and what God want us to know. This may vary from one person to another in the way of solving the matter, but the core subject is still the same. Make an example that God knows that I lack in trust of other people and also get angry easily. In order that I should overcome all this God has some special exercises that I must go through. Maybe God start on the anger matter. God would give me some knowledge about how to control anger and how God feels about anger. God can be angry at sin but God is also forgiving, and God wants me to learn that. So God would just give me an exercise that would make me angry at people or situations or many things and see how I reacted after the knowledge that I already know. If in that situation I don't pass, God would probably give me more and more until one day I can overcome my anger and start smiling at situations and praising God. Then after that God will give me a lesson on trustworthy. Befor I can pass on the earlier subjects than maybe the problem will always come again and again until I yield to God and do as God says. The subjects that I can learn at the same time varies from one person to another depending on what God thinks is important. And remember we can take that whole life and not learn anything because we are so stubborn, and that's also because we were all given a mind to think and a free will to do as we please. We humans are not robots who were programmed by the master to do things exactly as the master commanded. But we are given the chance to think and do anything we want, but there are consequences. If people are stubborn they will missed out on so much fun we could have with God's loving care, but if they want to yield to the Lord maybe will feel how God loved them. Bad situations can and may happen to anyone and everyone. But God will work with us through all situations, whether "good" or "bad" or even "worse" situations and turn in into something beautiful if we want to start turning our heads to God. So before I experienced this, I was asking myself: Why does God allow all these things to happen? Why is it the same problems over and over again. I'm getting sick and tired of the same problem. Then I realize that I don't start solving the problem God's way then i won't be given a harder and more difficult problem and the problem will stay the same or similar.
So before we start blaming God for all our problems, let's take time to think again of what we have done in our life. And to you my friend, may God help you both go through all that you have to learn in life. May you both start trusting each other and begin to love each other for what they are. Nice to be of help to you both. - What do you think - |W|P|108026692150747367|W|P|Lessons of life|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/25/2004 12:19:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|oooooooohhhhhhhh nnnnooooooooo....... Starting tommorrow I will have to produce 1 design per day. Yup one per day. If you think about it it's not really difficult to do. I can do that. But if you really want to make a good shoe design you must think and rethink and rethink and sometimes that takes longer than a day to think about. Not to mention the time to design the accesorries that comes with it. That takes a long time to make. At the moment I can make any amount per day or not at all. All I have to follow is a schedule that we need for production purposes. How many tennis shoes or walking shoes that we need to make on June etc. What kind of material to use and maybe the accesorries that comes along with the design. This usually takes a few days to make, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BE DETAIL. You know what I fear most about the one a day situation is that I won't be creative and just make one design, doesn't matter if it was a crappy design or a good one. If I can make one, then I'm done. This attitude is what I fear most, especially on bad days. But then again it could be just the opposite, like my boss said. I could start making and learning more things as I design about what to design, which kinds are "sellable" in Indonesia and which aren't, which one's trendy in Indonesia and which aren't. Hopefully this is the situation so that I can be more creative day by day. Hopefully, so help me God. BUt one other thing is that if I have to focus so much then I will have less time to browse and read other blogs. hehehe. And also write in mine. But hopefully I can always find the time. Pray for me. OK. Imagine in this 4 weeks left before I go to Korea I have to come up with 5 designs that will be produced on June and July. Oh yeah I should tell you that not all designs will be produced . I can make maybe 10 designs and maybe they will only take one. When I say design I mean a prototype. That means I have to make half a pair of shoe for one design with so many colour combinations. That means if one design is to be in 3 colour combinations, that can make it 30 prototypes in a month. Can you believe it. Now I have to make one per day. Well not everyone of them gets to be prototypes though, but still.....one per day. Ahhhh well. That's just my luck - What do you think - |W|P|108019814099396421|W|P|One per Day Situation. Help|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/24/2004 11:17:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Hi all, you know I can't stop thinking of Ketut that had just passed away last Saturday. I remembered all the good times we had together. Ahh well I know that it was meant to be. Farewell buddy, nice knowing ya. Well today it's just such a heavy starting day for me. I don't know why but I just can't get up this morning, once I get up I can't stay up and just went back to sleep. Over and over until I finally decided that it was time to get up, but then it was nearly 7.20 and I was supposed to be in the office at 8.00. Yup can you imagine the rush I was in. And after I arrived in the office my head still hurts and I can't do anything. Geee what a way to start a day. Ah well I guess I just have to get going with my job. You see for the past few days or maybe even week, I haven't really my true self. No I'm not having a double personality or even becoming Jekyll or Mr. Hyde. No no not that bad. But I think that I can't concentrate lately, not the way that I used to be. Everything seems so boring and life has become just a routine that is just the same old thing over and over. Lord what should I do? I'm having these bad days and I don't know how to get out of it. I can't seem to enjoy anything. I get angry easily and the other day I was being sooo very childish and gotten angry with my girlfriend. I was so stupid that at that time I just couldn't listen to what she has to say, but when I listened I know that it was me who was in the wrong, but I was too proud to admit it. She apologized to me but I just couldn't care less. I was being such an idiot and such a jerk even I have to admit it now. It took me up until the next day to apologize to her and to my amazement she was cool with it. Wow what a girl. Thanks Phu for being such a nice girlfriend. And to make it even worse, she was having a bad week also from her college and I wasn't being supportive at that time. I mean I was supporting her but she doesn't wanna listen at first, but then she realizes that what I said was true and then she was willing to do what I said. I guess that maybe I'm kinda angry at her for not doing it sooner. But again I was supposed to be supportive not get angry at her. I don't know why but these few days I am getting back my bad habit of uncontrollable anger (to say the worst). Sorry Lord. I've been trying to learn not to get angry easily and I did it for the past half a year but why does it return now. Sometimes it's so hard to become me. Well after I have spilt all that I still got the headache in my head. It hasn't disappeared so I think I better get back to work now; I can hear my boss from here, so bye for now. - What do you think - |W|P|108010192021419945|W|P|What a start.....|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/23/2004 09:09:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|I just received an email from a friend of mine. I thought it was good news but what do I find? a very sad news indeed. My friend Ketut had died.
bang.. masih inget ketut kan? dia meninggal kemaren malem...sabtu 20 maret 2004 jam sembilan malem... dia barusan pulang dr jkt..rencananya nengokin ortunya di sby..skalian Nyepi gitu... baru nyampe yah hari sebtu itu..pas ngobrol2 di luar rumah..gak sengaja megang tiang listrik gitu...malah kesetrum..akhirnya meninggal.. sedih juga...dia temen yang baik..didoain yah bang..gak nyangka dia pergi secepet itu...:(
Ketut was one of my best friend. He was the only one in my basketball team in Architecture ITS that understands me, how I play and he knows when to pass the ball to me and me to him. We understand each other's way that made us play so good together on the court. He was a great guy. Ketut was also a very great artist. All his works, I admire. His designs and his comical characters (especially Superman) that he made was awesome. He was a great guy. He was funny, a very cheerful man. He was such a good friend. He was never too lazy to do this and that as far as I know. If we were in the same assignment group as we did for quite a few times, he was always a hard worker. You were so good Ketut, I never regreted knowing you and being your friend. I remembered that he said that he was also interested in becoming a shoe designer like me. I invited him if he ever graduated to call me and I'd recommend him to my boss. He said he agreed but maybe he was thinking of other things that we never met for such a long time now, nor did he ever called. But it's ok man. I know that you were a better artist anyway and maybe the shoe industry doesn't interest you as much as the time I told you about it. Man you were great, good guy, the tallest guy on our team and have a very nice sense of humor. I remember that you never did could stand up against all the centres from the other teams, and I taught you how to use your body and your height to play against other centers, and you were a great "student" hahaha. Man, I missed you, missed playing with you and I missed being your friend. Lord I don't know what Your plans are but thank you for letting me know such a great person even if it was only for a few years of my life. Ketut why do you have to go so early..... - What do you think - |W|P|108000886936299539|W|P|Goodbye Ketut |W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/19/2004 09:15:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
People of Indonesia, and many more Asian countries, I've just received an email concerning the Indonesian driver's licence. It states that the Indonesian driver's licence has become an international driver's licence, meaning that our licence is accepted in America, Europe, Asia and many more countries in the world.
Yep, the Indonesian police department has entered all the Indonesians licence into the International database, so that the people of Indonesia that are just visiting for a short period of time can also use vehicles in that foreign country and is legal. If you want to find your name on the database, do the following: 1. Visit the website: http://www.license.shorturl.com/ 2. Enter your name, gender, city and as for the state enter Indonesia 3. Wait for approximately 2 minutes, while the system is scanning the database, could take longer for the foreign countries. Until now only a few of the Asian countries that is available on the database such as: Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia, Filipina, Thailand, Jepang, Korea, China, Taiwan. While some more such as; Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos have yet to enter this database. So feel free to see your own picture and name from the database, you may also try your friends just in case they are not on the list so they could notify the police department. - What do you think - |W|P|107966671488429762|W|P|International Driver's license|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/18/2004 08:59:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well it's final. I was officially told by the management that I was going to Korea in mid April. Besides Korea, I will also have to visit Jinjiang, China again for the shoe exhibition and Hongkong before I will return back to Indonesia. I may have to depart from Surabaya on the 15th of April and go straight to Pusan, South Korea. I was assigned to visit some shoe store and do some little observations about the latest shoe trends that are going on in the world, especially in the Korean market. The Korean market is one of the leader in the shoe industry in Asia besides Japan and of course China. But it varies much from the Chinese market. Sometimes things that are on the Korean market are not too popular in China and vice versa, but both of these countries determine much of what's happening in the shoe industry and what's gonna be called the "trend". My main purpose is to study the similarities and the speciality in designs that these countries had to offer and develop a better designs or maybe sometimes similar designs to the ones in those countries. The Indonesian market is such a market that likes to follow the foreign trends. Anything that is foreign especially from the States are always considered trendy. It is very difficult to make Indonesians love their own product. They only buy the local products cause they can't afford the branded ones. But once they have the money they will surely turn away from the locals. Hypocrites. But due to this hypocrisy, I gain something good. hahahaha. I get to visit these countries and maybe do a little sightseeing and a little shopping around. Hahahaha. Lucky me. Anyway after Pusan, I have to go to Jinjiang, in the Fujian province, China. This city as I have told you in past post is a shoe city. Everything and everyone is connected to this industry somehow. From the moment I landed on the airport every billboard in town is about shoes, from the outsole to the shoe designs to the factory ads to the shoe accessories factory. Just about everything you see is somehow related to that word. All around town I can see buildings that are used as "factories", some are big as a normal factory should be but some are so small (maybe the small home industry) but even the home industry use machinery in China. Unlike Indonesia where most of us still use the traditional hand made way. In Jinjiang I will attend one of the largest shoe exhibition in China held on the 19th till 22nd of April 2004. Just about every big shoe company in China and some from other shoe countries such as Italy will participate in this exhibition, ranging from the leather shoes to the sport shoes and also sandals and maybe even boots. There's gonna be lots of shoes to see, you will get dizzy. Haahaha After that comes Hongkong. Well I may only be here for one or two days so I better make the best of it. Looking around admiring the city not just see shoes on the market. hahahaha. Oh yeah I gotta tell you that I will travel with three other friends from my office. One is another designer such as myself, the other is the head of the samples department and the other is the head of the purchasing department. They are coming to do some other important business there too. How's my baby gonna feel? Yup she was kinda happy but also kinda sad. Happy cause I get to visit these countries but also sad cause I have to leave her for maybe 9 - 10 days. Don't worry honey, all is not lost. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right in your heart. Don't be sad cause this is just a business trip, OK. Ah well, will it be fun???? Or will it be tiring???? Or will it be disasterous???? Haahaha you never know. Lord thanks for the opportunity to once again travel to other places. I know that you are also present in those places. Teach me to be what I should be and to do what I supposed to be doing. Thanks Father - What do you think - |W|P|107958075056530594|W|P|Going...going...........gone......|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/17/2004 10:31:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|What do I think today? I think that sometimes I'm being unfair to God. There are too many times in my life, He stood up for me. I was nearly embarrassed in front of many people, but yet again He made me stand out. Many times that I asked God for guidance, He gave it to me. During the worst days of my lives, the days that I nearly just break and can't get up, God gave me comfort and gave me strength to collect all my energy and get back on my feet and start to walk again in my life. There are many laughters in my life. A lot of things that I can look back to and cherish. Many love in my life, and so much forgiveness that I truly can't give back. Many memories about my childhood and many advantages that I have that God had provided me. So many thing that God gave me that if I had to book it, I don't know if I remember it all and I don't know how many thick books I have to write to tell everyone about it. But that's just the problem isn't it? There are lots of times when God had helped me out of my problems that I forget Him right away. When the things are going my way again that I forgotten how to pray. I lost my days doing absolutely "nothing" and not doing what I was supposed to be doing, which is "my Father's business". My Father's business is to tell the whole world about the love of my Father. He has shown me so much love and compassion that I don't deserve. He has given the Son to die in my sake, so that I may live. So much forgiveness that I can never return. To tell the whole world that there is hope and that we don't need to live in a hopeless situation, that's because He has given hope. To tell the whole world that there is a better life after death, if we want to believe in Him. Forgive me Father that I haven't done what I need to do to make you proud. Forgive me that I haven't shown the world about your love. Please help me and guide me oh loving Father. - What do you think - |W|P|107949537541736277|W|P|My father's business|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/16/2004 12:00:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Prayer is a key to God's heart. It is a way to come into God's presence and speak to God about any matter at all. Prayer is also like the spiritual breath that if we don't do will result in a spiritual death situation. But prayer is not so popular. We'd rather have the ability to speak in tongues or maybe preach and speak well in front of crowds or maybe even conduct miracles. These awesome powers may make us feel like a true Christian, but with prayer...??? It's only an act of sitting in a quiet place with nobody knowing and just speaking to God one on one. Many find this uninteresting. These are just some answers that people will say if asked why not pray. 'Prayer is good, but it’s no substitute for action.' We don't reckon prayer is real work. We treat prayer as a back-up to the practical, effective, grass-roots, strategic, sustainable, educational stuff that we’re doing. It’s definitely not equal to ‘getting your hands dirty’. Think about how much effort we put into ‘building the kingdom’ compared to how little energy we give to prayer. This is ironic because the tradition from which we borrow our contemplative disciplines (monasticism) regards prayer as inseparable from work. Monks actually thought it achieved things! 'It’s impossible to ask God to intervene in the world - that would be arrogant'. Because our culture conditions us against claiming to know what is good for others, we think that by asking God to intervene we are assuming that we know what God should do. This is a helpful corrective to paternalism. However, our activism in the cause of justice and mission is equally a way of claiming that we know what is good for others. Would you plant a church if you didn’t believe the reign of God required it? Would you buy fair-trade coffee if you thought God was opposed to it? All our actions in the cause of the kingdom implicitly assume that God agrees with us. However, our reluctance to pray for these things is a sign that our actions lack conviction - if we truly believed our activism was God’s work (and what other work is worth doing?) then we would pray about it constantly. 'Perhaps prayer changes things, but I haven’t seen any results.' We don't believe that God can, or wants to, intervene in the world at all. Ours is the ‘clockwork universe’, designed to work without involvement from God. The terrifying consequence of this belief is that we are solely responsible for building the kingdom of God. It is terrifying because we know, deep down and usually unconsciously, that we are incapable of shouldering this responsibility, let alone fulfilling it. Even if we do recognise this fundamental vulnerability, we do not know it, otherwise we would be screaming to God for help every day. These reasons for not praying are widespread and probably recognisable in our own lives. They certainly are in mine! I believe these problems with prayer mask deeper issues that our movements will need to deal with in order to sustain a truly biblical witness. Many don't realize that the power of prayer can move mountains, change the world, stop a war and even save a precious life. So are we praying today? Let us pray... - What do you think - |W|P|107941415975908794|W|P|Why we don't PRAY|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/15/2004 09:20:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Many people nowadays have realized that it is very important to keep healthy. We do exercises that make the body fit. We go to fitness gym to exercise our body muscles. We tried dieting to lose weight and maybe started eating health foods to keep us always in shape and healthy and avoiding ourselves from diseases. This is a very good habit. I guess. But most people started doing these things after the age of thirty; the rest is just enjoying their time. Did we also know that if we’re in our twenties, that it probably means that our heart has beat nearly 1 billion times. Can you count until that number? Hahaha Yup that’s a lot of numbers to count. That means that maybe the heart is getting used and one day may become just like a junk, especially if we don’t keep it in good shape. That’s why we should start watching what we eat and also watch what’s eating me. The other “heart” is also relates to the point above. It too has throbbed millions of times with thoughts, affections, and choices. The heart is where we determine how we behave, how we think, speak and respond to everything that’s going on in our life and all its circumstances. We may choose to think or speak good stuff or not and behave negatively or positively. Will we trust the Lord and choose to be gracious, patient and loving? Or will we yield to pride, greed and bitterness The scripture says in Proverbs 4:23; Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. So we need to keep our spiritual heart also fit just as our physical body and heart. Have we watched our: • Weight: Do we need to lose the weight of unnecessary burdens and cares? • Pulse: Are we maintaining a steady rhythm of gratitude and praise? • Blood Pressure: Is our trust greater than our anxiety? • Diet: Are we enjoying the life-giving nutrients of the Word of God? Wanna be healthy, better watch these things right now. And God bless you all. Praise is unbelievably the best medicine for the heart. When the heart is in a bad shape from anger, distrust, disappointment, suspicions, bitterness and more, try to praise the Lord. Humans were made that way in the design to always praise the Lord and once we don't do it, we will experience all these feelings. So why not try and give praise, say something nice to other people too. I hope it works and I know it works from experience. But then again it's really up to you...It's called free will. Thanks Lord. - What do you think - |W|P|107931815463123167|W|P|Healthcare for the Heart|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/13/2004 12:13:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Really had a busy day today. Even if it was only for half a day coz it's saturday, but I guess there's a lot of things to do. Mostly because I just installed new things and coz I just changed to XP then I need to make some changes and settings that I use to have. So many things wrong on my computer that I just gotta make some new changes. My scanners doesn't work again. I've installed it for about 5 times just yesterday and it seems that it just doesn't wanna work. It can work but I must use other programs such as Photoshop or maybe even Corel. I'm still trying to figure it out. Maybe if anyone could help me, you can comment below where it says "ngomentar disini, lainnya mana". Oh yeah I almost forgot, I want to personally thank Lusy for creating not one but two new banners for me as you can see on the side bar. Well I just wanna say I really appreciate it very much. I'd really like to thank you in person but that's another story. hehehe Lusy you're a great girl, Thanks sooo much. I heard that I will have to go to China in April to see a Shoe Fair, an exhibition that displays all the latest shoe. Maybe I will go to Jinjiang. Oh here we go again. It was kinda nice though when I first went there only the traffic that is so crowded and uncontrolled that you just gotta scream. So pray that I don't get any strange diseases there. hahahaha - What do you think - |W|P|107915575615320482|W|P|Thanks Lusy|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/12/2004 12:08:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|What do I think now, yesterday was just the first day of the campaign and just about every party has made some violations by not obeying the rules that has been made by the KPU and many of these parties just assumed these violations as just minor and not to make it into something big. But what do I think? Well I think that Indonesians are just so stubborn that they just don't wanna obey any rules that had already been made. We'd rather not obey the rules then do so. Maybe if there aren't any rules or laws or maybe if there are no obligation to obey the law maybe the Indonesian will obey it, just to unobey the "no law" situation. Do you get my point? Ut just seems that Indonesians are just so not used to obeying the law that they don't know what are their rights and what are their obigations. Geez, it has become that bad for Indonesia that all the lawyers are just not know which case is wrong and which is right and they just don't care if they let loose a serial killer as long as they get paid and maybe paying the judge is not a problem as long as this case is won To make it worse is the police officers who barely know the law. They just don't care and don't care where this country is going. It's not a big secret that in order for them to enter the police academy they have to pay a large amount of money, the larger the amount the better chance they have of becoming a high ranked officer. How corrupt. And to make it worse, once they are officers they just try to get their money back from the people, that's why we also must pay money if we have any problems concerning the police, not free as it supposed to be. And what's even worse is that we don't know that it's free and we just don't refuse to pay them that this circle will go on and on and will never stop. Very ugly won't you say? That's what I think today. I am in a really bad mood because of all those politicians and all the hipocrite leaders of Indonesia. When will they see the light and repent and make things better for us all. Only You who knows Lord, I give it up to You. - What do you think - |W|P|107906979052244338|W|P|Stupid politicians|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/11/2004 10:55:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Turns out that the computer is fine but the modem is useless. Today is the first day of the campaign for all of the Indonesian Parties, all 24 of them. Well you know what I think, it's gonna be cool on the early days. The parties will still hold their cool and just do as the KPU had ruled out. Somehow I have lost interest in all this current happenings you know. I remembered when it was the first time I am allowed to vote. I was so excited that I couldn't wait to get my hands on the ballot paper and put my votes in. I talked about it just about everyday, about where I was gonna vote except of course for whom I'm gonna vote. It was different then. But now I just lost my appetite for all this madness. I can't seem to trust any of the parties. They all seem so full of lies and "pretty faces". They tried to go everywhere all around the country and do "good things" for the people what you could see that it's all fake and they're just doing it to get the sympathy of the people. Just think, why do they ONLY do that just before the election. If they were sincere they would donate and help the poor and the troubled when it happens. But no, you only hear about them fighting over money and luxurious cars and all the wealth that they can get out of being in the house of representatives. So fake. And what about all those corruption that they do while in the "office". Everybody knows that. What more is that my host where I live is a leader for the East Surabaya suburbs for one of the parties. All he ever talk about is how he can cheat and make fake membership cards, and how he's gonna try to get his hands on whatever "project" there are gonna be once he's on the "seat". I tried to tell him in a diplomatic way, but no he said that everybody does that and if you don't do it, nobody will vote for you. So he's doing it anyway. All these fakeness has gone to my head and makes me really angry at this situations, that the leader of this country isn't thinking about the prosperity of the people but only of himself and of course his colleagues. How is Indonesia gonna rise up and change for the better. Lord, I know that You are listening to all this hypocrisy and fakeness, You also know that if these people are gonna sit in as the leaders of this country, worse things are gonna happen for my beloved country Lord. But I know that You are the God of all powers and You Lord, only You are able to change what seemed impossible into something beautiful. I know that You are working in a wonderful but misterious ways that I may not understand now. But once I see what it is You are preparing us Indonesians for, we will surely praise God. I know that You have prepared for us something special. A leader that will take us out of this situation, or maybe You also have something else in mind. Whatever it is Lord, I praise You for loving us Indonesians and fo all the blessings that You have given us and the mercy You have shown us. I know that this country has sinned against You and we are to be punished for our mistakes. But Your love is also so wonderful and "out of this world" that our minds cannot understand the depth and the width and the length that even though we are what we are You still love us no less than before. Thank You Lord for the gift. I know that you will guide us through all this. I just know you will. Thanks Father. Take away all my fear of the future and let me see it in Your way that I may not have to worry but have absolute faith in You. - What do you think - |W|P|107910710490279472|W|P|The Campaign Started|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/10/2004 09:46:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well I'm kinda happy today coz everything is going so well. My computer at work is being formatted from all those terrible viruses that has invected it. It was devastating to not be able to work because of such and such a virus I don't even know that had my computer dying trying to find help. At last the knight in shining armour came to the rescue, it was Richard the "Computer Guy" who took care of my computer, fix a few things that went wrong and reinstalled some more wonderful softwares and guess what. I CAN WORK AGAIN. Well thanks Richard for doing such a great job. Thank You Father for bringing Richard to the office at the exactly right time, cause I think that after a few more days of this wreck I was just about to go crazy coz some of my work cannot be transfered and some even missing (Lost at war). I knew that You would help meand now everything is inder control. - What do you think - |W|P|107893060412590168|W|P|I CAN WORK AGAIN.....Hoooorayyyyy|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/10/2004 11:46:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Remember the story I told you about my anniversary. Yup me and Vanny went to get our photos taken in the studio. It turned out quite well, even though I looked kinda weird but doesn't matter. Below is one of the pictures. To see more of it you may wanna go here or click the gallery button above. If you liked that you may also wanna see more pics of me. Well in that case you may consult my homepage or maybe my photoblog
Here's the one where we pretended to be the dancers performing in Broadway. Hahaha is it cute or cuteeeee. Next time I'll post some more pics ok. - What do you think - |W|P|107889434998347117|W|P|The photos I promised|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/09/2004 09:48:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|I'm trying to design today. I have some new fresh ideas today so I think I'm gonna make the best of it. I've spent so much time doing other things but now I have the eagerness to begin drawing and designing again. Ohh what a feeling. What's the most important thing that I have to know right now. I have to know what's the latest "trend" that is going on in Indonesia, sport shoe trends that is. And what is possibly gonna go on in a few months ahead. Well I think today I'm gonna go out and do some observations on the market. That's really important to know what the other competitor is launching and what the branded shoe is launching cause then I'll know what kinds of trend is in and where it's going so that I can design new styles according to the new trends. Actually if I want to I can make new models that are the trendsetter. I did a few times and the local competitors copied my design. Well sometimes I can feel flattered cause my design is "accepted" but other times I feel really angry cause I tried hard and it takes a long process to design a shoe like that. Time and energy, man. You know what I'm saying. But Indonesia is yet to appreciate this right I guess. They just want to get the easy way. Don't have to design too complicated just copy from other designs and just change it a little bit. Well come on piracy is a crime. Design piracy is also a crime. When will Indonesia be a country that appreciate other people's hard work and time. When can we compete the "healthy" way with the other competitors. This really bugs me. Anyway happy day today to everyone, I'll try to have one myself. C U wheneva I C U ok. God Bless You Always - What do you think - |W|P|107880222315355491|W|P|Designing again heheheh.....|W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/08/2004 09:00:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|What is an idol? An idol is something or someone that we "worship". Most of the times it replaces the place of God in our heart. When we are into something or someone so much, there's a chance that he/she/it will become our idol. During the early Bible days the Israelites were worshiping the idols from the countries that sorrounds them. They worshipped a golden ox and also Baal and many other gods. God was angry at them for doing so. Moses was so angry at them that he threw the 10 commandments tablet that were just given to him in God's own handwriting. Worship of an idol doesn't please God at all Sometimes I think that I never worship any idols in my life. I never have any statue lying around m house that I bow down to everyday and pray to it. Or do I make sacrifices to them and act some ritual ceremonies and do stuffs like that. I always go to church and be good to others besides teaching the Sunday School every Sunday. There's no possibility that I am worshipping any idols. So I thought. When I think about it, television can sometimes be my idol. I am so entertained by the television that I almost never let my eyes off it. After one show is over then comes another and another. Some are funny, some are sad and will bring a tear to my eyes. While others are just so challenging and exciting. So many things that a television can offer nowadays. I can also feast my eyes on all the informations that I wanted and maybe needed. The wars that are going on, the epidemic, the dissasters all wrapped up on the news section. Also news about celebrities that I like and adore. Maybe the beautiful girls that act in a movie. And of course many more. Sometimes I just can't stop watching, especially on holidays. I could just sit around watching television from the moment I wake up till the moment that I feel sooo tired at night that I have to go to sleep. Yes that's meaning I often stay late at night just to finish watching a show. Sometimes after that comes a better show that makes me feel so left out if I miss it. This condition sometimes make me forget to take baths, also breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Not to mention house chores that are just waiting to be done, the clothes that needs to be washed, ironed and the floors that needs sweeping and the dishes that needs washing. This can all be left out when some TV show is on. The worst thing is that I sometimes forget to pray. I usually have time for prayers because of the TV can forget it altogether. TV is such a toxic invention of the world. Work can also be an idol for me. When I like doing something that I really enjoy, I tend to forget other things that may be of the same importance. As an example is what I'm doing right now. A few months ago I was so inspired by the writings that I read on internet blogpages that I was challenged to make my own blog. I never knew how to make a website before, so I opened the internet and learn about free ways to have your own site. I started making one using Geocities and started to learn by reading all the instructions and I came up with my own homepage. That took quite a long time to make cause I don't know anything about scripting and making all these pages. i also started to learn about Dreamweaver and tried somethings on it. Then I learned about Blogger that can help me make my dreams come true. And from there I learned from other blogs especially Indonesian blogs and learned a few things. But what did i do wrong? I started to browse everyday on the internet, open websites and eventually not doing what I was supposed to be doing at work. I started to work all day at my desk, trying to make my blog better from what I've seen and what I had in mind. This is really exciting, but then again turning all this activity into one big IDOL. I'm not saying that I'm not gonna continue blogging. What I have learned from my mistakes is that I often put God and other things that are far more important aside when I am into something that I liked doing. I still keep my prayer time and still do my quite time before I do anything at the office. But sometimes all this has become just a routinity cause my mind will be excited at what I'm gonna do next to my blog and everything. But I have made a commitment to start making my pages for the glory of my Father. I'm not gonna put aside what's more important just to satisfy my feeling and my curiosity for blogging or other stuff for that matter. I will start again in doing what God wanted me to do, and do all my responsibilities that was assigned to me by God, my boss and the things that I need to do for my life. Lord make me understand Your way. Let me put You first in all the aspects of my life. Let me put away all the idols of my life and put You first. Let me make You happy with my life and show others that You care for the world just as much as You care for me. make me to be the flowing river of Your blessings so that I may flow them back to those who needs it. Thanks father So everybody let us all turn away from our own idols. - What do you think - |W|P|107871797948883392|W|P|Idol |W|P|hendra@gmail.com