5/31/2004 11:35:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Well, yesterday was the Pentecost day (is this how to spell it sis. There was a group from Malang called One Praise that came to our church yesterday and took over all the Pentecost celebration. This group is quite good. They were singing very well. The members of this group consist of people coming from various churches from as many as 40 churches. Wow, 40 different churches from all different denominations can come together as a group and sing for the Lord, that's excellent. They put aside all their differences (as many of you know that not all these denominations get along too good) as just have one goal that is to give praises t the Lord. They were singing and also have many attractive choreography with clapping and feet stomping and everything, but they also have dancers in the foreground (modern dancers). It was nice to see such a ceremony at a church like mine (GKI). Just about everyday is raining this week, starting from last Tuesday. In one hand it is quite nice cause the air becomes fresher after the rain and cooler too, but also the streets are begining to flood again. All the puddles are starting to get bigger and the road may start to break again making holes on the street. Well, this is Surabaya, too many people have complained but nothing has been done about it. These few days my body is not really feeling too well, I think it may also be because of the changing weather. I get tired so easily, Last Saturday until last night I just couldn't get my eyes to close, I dont know why but they just refused to close, making me even more tired than usual. I can't refresh myself by playing basketball because I play basketball outdoors and the court is wet and slippery after the rain so all my muscles seem to freeze. Ohh the feeling.... I also helped my GF finishing her interior modeling. She was making a two story house and she had to make the model. Well she doesn't have the time cause her drawings are not done also, so I had to help her finish it. Now that's very tiring cause I also have to think and find alternative materials to use for the model and make it as realistic as possible. Well I had lots of experience making it because when I was back in uni I also have to make them every semester cause I studied to become an architech. But I guess it's just because I have to work in the morning and then go home to change and then go to her place to help her out with little rest that makes it even more tiring. Ah well, it doen't matter. That's what friends are for right. - What do you think - |W|P|108597963526425511|W|P|Weekend|W|P|hendra@gmail.com11/04/2005 11:43:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonyme|W|P|I enjoyed you blog about great depression photo. I also have a site about great depression photo which makes me appreciate this one even more! Keep up the good work!11/13/2005 09:07:00 AM|W|P|Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés|W|P|Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.5/26/2004 09:06:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly-English version Le scaphandre et le papilon-French version
Through the frayed curtain at my window a wan glow announces the break of day. My heels hurt, my head weighs a ton, and something like a giant invisible diving-bell holds my whole body prisoner. My room emerges slowly from the gloom. I linger over every item: photos of loved ones, my children's drawings, posters, the little tin cyclist sent by a friend the day before the Paris-Roubaix bike race, and the IV pole over-hanging the bed where I have been confined these past six months like a hermit crab dug into his rock.
Rasanya kita semua tidak kenal dengan orang yang bernama Jean-Dominique Bauby, kecuali Anda perempuan dan berbahasa Perancis atau suka membaca majalah bernama Elle. Ia pemimpin redaksi Elle. Tahun 1996 ia meninggal dalam usia 45 tahun setelah menyelesaikan memoarnya yang "ditulisnya" secara sangat istimewa dan diberinya judul Le Scaphandre et le Papillon Tahun 1995 ia terkena stroke yang menyebabkan seluruh tubuhnya lumpuh. Ia mengalami apa yang disebut 'locked-in syndrome', kelumpuhan total yang disebutnya 'seperti pikiran di dalam botol'. Memang ia masih dapat berpikir jernih tetapi sama sekali tidak bisa berbicara maupun bergerak. Satu-satunya otot yang masih dapat diperintahnya adalah kelopak mata kirinya. Jadi itulah caranya berkomunikasi dengan para perawatnya, dokter rumah sakit, keluarga dan temannya. Mereka menunjukkan huruf demi huruf dan si Jean akan berkedip bila huruf yang ditunjukkan adalah yang dipilihnya. "Bukan main", kata Anda. Ya, itu juga reaksi semua yang membaca kisahnya. Buat kita, kegiatan menulis mungkin sepele dan menjadi hal yang biasa. Namun, kalau kita disuruh "menulis" dengan cara si Jean, barangkali kita harus menangis dulu berhari-hari. Betapa mengagumkan tekad dan semangat hidup maupun kemauannya untuk tetap menulis dan membagikan kisah hidupnya yang begitu luar biasa. Ia meninggal 3 hari setelah bukunya diterbitkan. Jadi, "Berapapun problem dan stress dan beban hidup kita semua, hampir tidak ada artinya dibandingkan dengan si Jean!" Apa yang a.l. ditulisnya di memoarnya itu? "I would be the happiest man in the world if I could just properly swallow the saliva that permanently invades my mouth". Bayangkan, menelan ludah pun ia tak mampu :-(. Jadi kita yang masih bisa makan bakmi, ngga usahlah Bakmi Gajah Mada, indomie yang Rp 1000 saja, seharusnya sudah berbahagia 100 kali lipat dibanding si Jean. Kita bahkan senantiasa mengeluh, setiap hari, sepanjang tahun. We are the constant whinners. Apa lagi yang dikerjakan Jean di dalam kelumpuhan totalnya selain menulis buku? Ia mendirikan suatu asosiasi penderita 'locked-in syndrome' untuk membantu keluarga penderita. Ia juga menjadi "bintang film" alias memegang peran di dalam suatu film yang dibuat TV Perancis yang menceritakan kisahnya. Ia merencanakan buku lainnya setelah ia selesai menulis yang pertama. Pokoknya ia hidup seperti yang dikehendaki Penciptanya, 'to celebrate life', to do something good for others. Jadi, betapapun kemelutnya keadaan kita saat ini, mereka yang sedang stress berat, mereka yang sedang berkelahi baik dengan diri sendiri maupun melawan orang lain atau anggota keluarga, mereka yang sedang tidak bahagia karena kebutuhan hidupnya tidak terpenuhi, mereka yang jalannya masih terpincang-pincang karena baru saja terinjak paku, mereka yang sedang di-PHK, saya yakin kita masih bisa menelan ludah. Semoga kita semua tidak terus menjadi whiner, pengeluh abadi, manusia yang sukar puas melainkan kita dapat menjadi winner, individu yang berjiwa dan berpikir sebagi pemenang, yang dapat mengatasi kesulitan apapun yang ia rasakan/gumuli . Kata orang bijak, "Think and Thank", berfikirlah dan kemudian bersyukurlah. Yup! just one simple word : "Be Thankful to GOD for what you are" You just beautiful. Taken from my email message - What do you think - |W|P|108553736050006731|W|P|A whinner or a winner|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/27/2004 05:38:00 AM|W|P|Blogger Shenny|W|P|:) :) yes yes... always be thankful. no matter what. no compromises. heheheh...5/25/2004 03:57:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Yawn... why do I feel really tired today? God knows. Ever since last night it seems like I just couldn't get enough sleep, all the bones in my body seems to be breaking apart. But I didn't do anything before that. I wonder what's going on. Ohhhhh yawn....Think I better go back to sleep. So happy dayzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........zzzzzzzzzzzz - What do you think - |W|P|108547565148025076|W|P|Yawnnn.....|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/24/2004 12:15:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Yesterday we had a gathering for BloggerFamily. Well it began when Vie wanted to take a break from her daily routines and just take a stroll to Surabaya and also because she needed to buy some stuff for her work. She contacted Uyet and asked me also if I could come and we should gather somewhere, you know just to get to know each other. So she contacted other people she "knew" from the forum and asked them also to come.
Well she was really getting into it cause she then took a train from Banyuwangi and slept on the train as it took her to Surabaya. She messaged me after she got here at Gubeng at around six in the morning. Then I think Uyet came and picked her up and they went to Uyet's place for maybe a shower and such. That's because the gathering was to be held at 2 pm in Delta Plaza foodcourt (my suggestion) cause she wanted to be close to Gubeng so she could return easier. And after the gathering she did return to Banyuwangi at around 10 pm cause she also messaged me again. This girl is so cool. Nice one sis.
Anyway, at first I was afraid that we might not connect to each other, cause no one has ever really met. Everyone that she invited also never met each other. Because even though we were all in Surabaya, there isn't such a community that allows us to gather and be friends here. Maybe after the gathering we could make something happen huh guys.
But after we met things were kinda different, cause some of us especially me, vi3 and uyet were kinda "crazy" so we kinda connect to each other. That was nice. The people that came, well I don't really remember everyone's name, are Me, Vi3, uyet, Katryn and her friend Melly (I think), Balung, and Rezi with her friend ?forgot his name?. Anyway we just taled and took pictures and made fun of ourself. I think in that food court yesterday, we were the loudest crowd cause there were just laughter everywhere and we were just going crazy and I think just about everyone was just looking at us....with envy.....(hahahahaha) Yes they should envy us because we can laugh our heads off in that place without the worry of ashaming ourself. hahahahaha There were just no shame. I think I better not go to Delta for a little while, so the waiters there can slowly forget me.....hahahahaha.
But I gotta go early cause I had to go to church after that, but Katryn and Melly and also Rezi and friend also left the building cause they also have something else to do. When we left though there were two other guys that came, I think one was Mirza and the other...forgot. Ah well, so we left the five of them there.
Well guys, even though we didn't getr to know each other too well cause some were kinda shy to even talk, I think I had fun meeting with everyone. maybe we ought to get together again, huh. Whaddya reckon, mate.
- What do you think - |W|P|108537706826331733|W|P|The Blogger Family Gathering|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/24/2004 09:30:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonyme|W|P|dari Maknyak http://www.berandarumahkita.com:

hello hendra!! seru banget kopdarannya. kapan2 maknyak ikutan ya?5/22/2004 10:50:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|As I walk through this long rough road... Many times I stumble on pebbles and stones, Bruises and cuts I have to suffer... Blood is running out from here and other.
I cried till my tears have dried, But no one seems to hear my heart, Pain.... disappointment I face all day, Just makes me weaker and weaker every day.
"Lord, where art Thou in times of need... Where will I find Thy hand so sweet.. Why do I have to walk this road, And carry all this burden and heavy load".
God said to me,"My child, you cried?... Why haven't you seen Me through your heart? I am here all along the road... And cared for your bruises, never on hold".
Then I look back behind my shoulders I saw that it was beautiful all along, I never knew this road was good, Because I always look at my bruises and wounds. by: Me, myself and I - What do you think - |W|P|108519844509577429|W|P|Walking through the Rough Road|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/21/2004 12:09:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well today I feel kinda in control over things. At the office is good. My tasks are done and some things that I am responsible for is coming to a finish. Back at home is also good. Nothing bad is going on so today I kinda feel alive and well. Oh what a day. I think I'm gonna play basketball this afternoon after work to release all the tensions in my muscles after a few days without it, I konda miss it. So to everyone good luck also on your lifes ok. Thanks Father - What do you think - |W|P|108511674210302403|W|P|Alive today|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/20/2004 01:16:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well, I just wanna say Happy Ascension Day.

Today we celebrate the time Jesus departed from this earth and He's going to heaven to prepare many things for us there. He also has give us a last task that is to go and tell the whole world about the gospel, and baptize and make disciples of men and to teach them the things that have been taught to us from now and forever. But He didn't just leave us to do this task alone cause He also promised that He will be with us until the end of time. What a very responsible God. Thanks Father. updated: Thanks to sista for correcting the spelling. :p - What do you think - |W|P|108503449395407693|W|P|Happy Ascension Day|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/21/2004 09:08:00 AM|W|P|Blogger sista|W|P|ascension itu hehehe ;p
yeah, God is good all the time ^-^v5/21/2004 11:34:00 AM|W|P|Blogger klomprangkentang|W|P|iya deh sorry Sista aku ganti ya jadi ascension. thanks5/19/2004 02:16:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P| Get out a piece of paper to keep score. Answer each question with a number between 1 and 10. 10 being that the urge strongly exists, 1 being that the urge doesn't exist at all, and 5 being that it is so-so. After answering the questions, total up all the points. The scoring key is at the bottom.
How strong do you feel about being sexually attractive to potential mates? How good does it make you feel? How willing might you be to have sex with an attractive partner even though a love relationship doesn't exist? How driven are you to find ways to have sex with someone you find very appealing? How strong is your inner desire to vacation at a resort whose advertising implies a potential sexual adventure? How strong is your urge to have sex in general? How jealous would you feel (or have actually felt) if you suspected your spouse (significant other) was secretly having sex with someone else? If you could get away with it, would you forcibly have sex (doing something coercive) with someone you found appealing? How strong is the sexual orientation of your dress? If you could do it secretly or not, how strong is the appeal of becoming a member of a sex club? How willing would you be to hurt a friend by having an affair with that friend's spouse? If it was legal, how strong would your urge be to avoid current or imagined monogamy? How willing are you to drug or get your partner drunk to have sex ? How strong is your desire to enhance sex with sexually appealing undergarments and/or sex videos? If you could do it secretly or not, how strong would be your urge to have sex with more than one partner simultaneously?
Scoring: 0 -14 You are somewhere near totally asexual. You might never have had sex and don't care if you do. You might even be repelled by the thought of having sex. But this doesn’t really matter. There are billions of other people having sex, so the earth will be well populated, anyway 15 - 28 You do have a sex drive, but it doesn't take any priority at all in your life. You may even dress yourself to be sexually unappealing so that you don't have to contend with sex or any of its aspects. If you have a primary sex partner and you discover he or she is having an affair, you might feel more relieved than jealous. 29 - 42 You have a sex drive and you might enjoy sex when you have it, but you are not going to do very much to attract it. If you're married or in a relationship, you would probably never think of cheating. 43 - 56 You may have an active sex life, but sex is not frequently on your mind. If you need to go without it for a relatively long period of time, it probably won't be depressive. You may dress fashionably, but not intentionally to appear sensual. You are probably not a candidate for an affair, but will feel jealousy if you have a significant partner and he or she wanders. 57 - 70 You're where most of us are at, according to the monitoring software.. You have an active sex life, or wish you did. You dress to be attractive to the opposite sex, but you don't overdo it. Sex is just a normal part of your life and you're happy with where you stand with it. 71 - 84 Sex is an important part of your life. You'll dress so that you perceive yourself as being attractive to members of the opposite sex or potential sexual partners. You like the idea of sex, but the urge is not strong enough for you to have an affair (if you are attached), unless the attraction of the potential partner was overpowering. If you have a significant partner and he or she wanders, you will feel jealousy. 85 - 98 Sex is on your mind a good part of your waking hours. If you are married or into a serious relationship, you are ripe for an affair, if a discreet opportunity presents itself. On occasion, you will find yourself openly flirting with a member of the opposite sex or potential sexual partner, who is very attractive to you. You like the whole idea of the mating dance. If you have a significant partner and he or she wanders, however, you will feel very depressed and jealous 99 - 112 Sex is uppermost in your mind. If you are female, you might be into such things as short skirts, tight clothing, extra bright makeup, spiked heels. If you are male, you might be into such things as tight pants, gold jewelry, open shirts or even power suits, intended to attract women. You love the whole idea of the mating dance. With both sexes, however, your clothing may also reflect your power program. Whether single or married, you are looking for sexually-oriented affairs. You are out for it, one way or another. But if you have a significant partner and he or she wanders, you will feel intense jealousy. 113 - 126 You may be among the nymphomaniacs of the world, whether female or male. You may sacrifice family or friends, if you find this necessary, to live in a world of sex. You will join sex clubs if they exist where you live. You will spend vacations at resorts that imply sexual adventures. You may put your life and your well-being at risk for sex, if you find this necessary. If you have a significant partner who wanders, you are capable of becoming furious with jealousy and taking revenge without qualms 127 - 140 Time to check in somewhere.. You may murder for sex. You may try rape, particularly if you also have an intense power program and can’t meet your expectations any other way. You may do whatever it takes to fulfill your sexual urges and fantasies. You are dangerous. You are also capable of killing if you catch your significant partner, who you think you own, having sex with someone else Well how did you score hahahahahaha. How about that, don't tell anyone but I think I just scored an 84. This test was taken from here just for fun anyway. Don't believe it with your life or you're gonna be ruined hahahaha. Peace yo - What do you think -
|W|P|108495135492789254|W|P|Sex Test|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/19/2004 03:26:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonyme|W|P|allo hendra, makasih yah udah mampir.. boleh2 aja kalo mau jadi friends aku kok ;)5/18/2004 03:20:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Quiz Me
hendra depariez was
a Talkative Ice Cream Truck Driver
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

Hi I'm just testing this new feature of Blogger. You know the ones that allows you to post from your email. Yup, if you can read this post then it's true and it just makes it so much better, cause in some countries like China blogger.com cannot open completely, always with error and from my experience I can't post without having to do it over and over again. Well if this works, I can write from anywhere I think. Nice one Blogger

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.|W|P|108486845787076486|W|P|Test |W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/18/2004 02:04:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to say that it's my mom's birthday today. She's already 53. Wow that's old or still young? I don't know. Anyway, Mom even though you are far away in Medan, but my heart is always with you. Happy birthday and I hope that it's a happy one for you, even though nearly all your children have moved out of Medan but I know that our God stiil took care of you as he took care of me too. On this day I would like to say again that I love you. I can never repay all the things that you've done for me. You are so good. Hey, even though sometimes we don't have the same say on things but that doesn't mean that I don't love you. Hahaha that's called democracy hahaa
Anyway Mom, once again Happy 53rd Birthday and I know too well that God is always with you so I'm not afraid. Love You mom
- What do you think - |W|P|108486464292319014|W|P|It's Mom's Birthday |W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/18/2004 04:09:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonyme|W|P|well, then Happy Birthday to you, Hendra's Mom5/18/2004 01:17:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Well at last it's finally over. We kinda made up. But really I respect her and all that she has to suffer at the moment. Mungkin kamu gak tahu tapi dia punya kehidupan yang "berat". At the age of 20 (now) she has faced such a "bad" life. Well bad as maybe ost people would refer to it, because if we compare it to the "normal" life that all of you think of and have gone through, this is sooo different. Sejak dia lahir keadaan sudah sangat nggak baik.Selama dia bertumbuh, kasih sayang orangtua sangat minim diterimanya dan dia menjadi sangat "haus akan kasih sayang". Karena kehausannya itu, akhirnya terkadang dia harus melakukan hal hal yang kurang baik, demi mendapatkan kasih itu. Banyak hal yang akhirnya menjadi tidak "normal" dengan keadaannya dan keputusan keputusannya. Aku sering kali tidak mengerti bagaimana cara dia berpikir karena sangat tidak masuk akalku sama sekali. Tapi kalau aku juga mengalami hal yang dialaminya pada usia yang sangat muda, aku nggak tahu apakah aku juga masih bisa bertahan seperti dia. Memang seluruh hidupnya penuh dengan kasih karunia Tuhan, whether she knows it or not. Terkadang aku sering juga bertanya pada Tuhan, mengapa aku harus diberi dia yang notabene dalam pikiranku tidak "normal" itu. Mengapa tidak diberikan saja orang yang lebih "sama" dengan aku sehingga hidupku ini gak terlalu susah gitu lho. Aku sering menjadi iri pada orang lain yang mengalami hal hal yang "normal" dalam hidupnya sedangkan aku harus menerima ke'abnormalan' ini. Tapi Tuhan itu bukan Tuhan yang hanya mampu menjadikan bahkan bekerja dalam keadaan normal, justru lebih sering Dia bekerja dan menyatakan kemuliaanNya dalam keadaan yang tidak wajar. Aku bersyukur kalau aku boleh juga mengalami sedikit ke'abnormalan' yang selama ini gak pernah aku terima. Walo terkadang sakit juga rasanya. Tapi aku yakin Tuhan sudah memberikan yang terbaik untuk aku dan to God nothing is impossible, so why be afraid? benar nggak. Hari ini dia membuat keputusan yang agak sulit juga kuterima, dan aku udah bilang untuk tidak terbawa dalam situasi dan menyerah kepada situasi. Tapi aku juga percaya bahwa jalan setiap orang itu berbeda dan tidak harus seperti mayoritas orang lainnya. Tuhan juga mencintai yang minoritas kok. So anything that you have to do, anything that you have thought of for you. and prayed for it, I know it will be the best kalau Tuhan turut bekerja. Cause my God works in ways that I cannot understand, and then again if I can understand what my God thinks, then I'm also a God or He's not a God. - What do you think - |W|P|108486317563784485|W|P|....God is good all the time....|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/17/2004 04:12:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Last night I had a fight with her. I mean after all that I've done to help her with all her works and assignments and after all the time and energy that I've spent in order to make everything the best for her, she just treated me like **** and nothing less. I was really angry that I left her house at midnight last night leaving her in tears and not wanting me to leave. But I guess I was a little fed up with it all. I know that I'm supposed to be more patient and that I should have learn to show this patience, but I guess last night I was really upset. I have thought of just about everything to make her not get D.O. provided her with all the encouragements so that she doesn't feel down, help with the finances cause I know she can't afford to do all her assignments, I mean I'm not trying to be a jerk here that wants to be treated like a god for doing all these, but at least I really like to hear nice words to come out of her mouth cause last night it was all **** and she was angry for no reason and well I don't know what she's thinking. just a few hours before that we were just sooooo fine and everything was going sooo smooth. Until then.... Even until now she hasn't called me to appologize or something. I'm trying not to be a snob by not calling her, but even though I can't stand not to call her, I reckon that sometimes she just needs to learn something the hard way. Sometimes it has to hurt. You can't just take for granted everything that is given to you. You also need to "give back" something in return, maybe just a mere gratitude or a thankyou wouldn't hurt, would it. But no, she just thinks of it as something normal that should be done. Nothing out of the ordinary. Well if you keep it up, noone will ever want to help you ever again. - What do you think - |W|P|108478609474606112|W|P|I'm so Fed Up|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/13/2004 10:13:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|I was thinking, Lord. I've lived my life for quite a long time now. Nobody can say that 27 years is a short one. It has passed a quarter of a century. It can't really be said as a young boy anymore, but more like a young man. Yet, through all of these times that You've been here with me, I can't help but wonder. Have You ever felt proud of me? Have You ever think to yourself, it was so useful that I have created Hendra, all the plans that I have for him has been nicely accomplished by Hendra. He has been very helpful and there's no shame that I created such a human? Why do I ask oh Lord? It's because I felt that I've never made You proud of me. I have never made You laugh and enjoy my life. All the blessings that You have given me seems to be thrown all to the garbage by me. It's like all my life I have disappointed You in just about everyway possible in my life Lord. I felt like there's nothing that I've done in this world that would make You say," I'm glad that I made Hendra". All these 27 years oh Lord, I have only sinned to You over and over again, have never really obeyed You 100 %. Never have I really yield in Your presence. I feel like I have always used my own strength in doing everything that I was about to do. There were very little time that I have spent with You, if You can even call it quality time. Not to mention all those times I have made You cry for my hypocrisy. I'm really ashamed to even have to say this Lord. I know You are a great Lord, even a friend in need. But most of the time I only think of You as a friend that I can talk to whenever I needed You. Well, a friend? Maybe more like a servant, Lord. I know that I mostly asked You to do things for me, and sometimes (most of the times) I get angry and disappointed when whatever that I have asked of You that You don't fulfill and I would already call You an unfair God. I know deep in my heart that all You've done for me could never be explained. All those grace that You've shown me, Lord. Oh....it's just too good to be true. You're too amazing my Master. If I rethink of all the things that You've done that I sometimes think as an everyday thing, sometimes I wonder what if I wasn't given all those for free, then what would I do? Like the air that I breath everyday and every single nanosecond of my life, what would I do without it? Like the sun that I enjoy every morning everyday of my life, what would I do without it? Like the health so that I can do my activities everyday of my life, what would I do without it? Like the food and drink that I enjoy everyday of my life, what would I do without it? Like all the little things that I sometimes don't even think about that You've provided everyday of my life, what would I do without it? I guess without it all, I wouldn't be like what i am today. Everyday is a miracle, Lord. I know that You've also provided me with so much more than those miracles above that sometimes I don't understand because Your love is so much greater than my understanding oh Lord. Have I ever been thankful and grateful for all of it. Most of the time I complain that I don't receive "sufficient" to "my needs" Lord, when really You know better what I need everyday. All these times I can only complain about how other people is making so much better in their lives than me. That's me Oh Lord. You know me better than I know myself, even before I was born You have molded me in my mother's womb and have great expectations for me. But also all those time I never fully satisfied You, have I Lord? Now I come before You Oh Great One, please forgive me of my mistakes and Lord make me aware everyday of Your loving power and all the tasks that You want me to do in my life, as the reason I live in this world Lord. So that i don't disappoint You again and again in this short life of mine. Thank You Lord for all Your blessings and help all throughout my life. Use me and make me to the best that You want. - What do you think - |W|P|108446349109703739|W|P|What have I done?|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/12/2004 11:56:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Help all the viruses in this cyber world has invaded my computer. It keeps on rebooting everytime I open a certain file. Help what should I do. It's just been formatted not so long ago, so why does it have to be like this now. hiks hiks.......... What a bad day I'm having.....Feeling really tired and now I can't work cause the computer is just not compromising with me. Damn viruses aaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhh - What do you think - |W|P|108433823317176687|W|P|Arrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/12/2004 09:34:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|What is this that I’m feeling? I feel really tired today, no question about it. I don’t know why but I just couldn’t get up this morning. It wasn’t as if I did something so heavy last night that I feel dead tired today. I usually play basketball every afternoon after work and not feel too tired instead I feel really good. I play to get all the stress of work out of my head and by playing sports I can really feel refreshed. But of course it’s tiring. But last night I didn’t play basketball. It was because I had to go to my GF’s house to help her in some technical drawing stuff. I mean she doesn’t know a thing about these stuff. How can you study and after all these time still don’t understand. OK I mean I know that interior designers don’t have to know much about but as the basics you still need to know anyway. Maybe I was kinda angry at her cause I ask about the specifications and she doesn’t know, so how was I supposed to help when I don’t have enough information. Humph….. That’s all that I had to do last night, just helping her. After that I got home about 11 pm and went straight to bed. That wasn’t too late was it, because I usually sleep at around 12 pm or even 1 am and still be fresh in the morning. I sleep like a baby and still could not wake up early. I got up this morning at 7 27 am, that’s just half an hour before office hour, yup I just got up really dead tired and just prepared myself and went to work. Don’t you just want it to be a Saturday cause maybe on Saturday after work I can still sleep. Oh the feeling of sleeping some more…..heaven. I can feel all the muscles in my body trembling. My calf muscle and the ones next to my knees are throbbing badly, and so is my head for that sake. Oh but I have to work. Poor me. Hehehehe Well I gotta work ok, but I can feel my back is just about to break. So I gotta be careful and just lay it on the back of my chair and of so comfortable and uum….slepp. z z zzzz zzzz zzzzz z zzz z - What do you think - |W|P|108432933135483811|W|P|Dead tired|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/10/2004 03:09:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|We've been helped quite a lot by doneeh. Right fellow bloggers, especially the ones in Indonesia. So here's what doneeh had to say. It was taken from his blog at www.vibrasi.com Help Us, Help Other Whehhe kenapa namanya gitu ? yah sebab sekarang gwe butuh kira2 7 juta untuk bulan pertama (sekitar 25 juta / tahun) untuk beli server dedicated baru buat doneeh.com. Gwe jelas gak bisa bebanin semua biaya ini ke member secara paksa, makanya disini gw mo galang donasi buat kelangsungan dari doneeh.com. Ini server yang gwe mo beli : Dual Intel Xeon 2.4 Ghz processors RedHat Linux 9.0 cPanel/WHM 8.x 1 GB Registered ECC PC2100 266 Mhz DDR RAM 120 GB 7200rpm Drive with 8MB cache SuperMicro motherboard, expandable to 8 GB RAM 600 GB Data Transfer per Month 4 IPs Included, $1/month each additional Only $1/GB Additional Bandwidth Managed Server, 24/7 Support Kalo misalnya gwe bikin semua harus bayar supaya bisa pakai layanan doneeh.com, itu sama ajah gwe menyimpang dari tujuan utama doneeh.com yang berpedoman pada layanan free-service. Nah kenapa butuh server baru ? yah jelas butuh soalnya doneeh.com kan membernya tiap hari nambah, kebutuhan bandwith semakin gede dan kinerja server semakin tinggi, dengan server yang sekarang (yang di support oleh ARDHOSTING) sudah terlalu berat. Kemungkinan besar kalo misalnya gwe gak bisa dapetin dana ini, yah dengan berat hati terpaksa doneeh.com gwe tutup target gwe sih mungkin sekitar 2 sampai 3 bulan ini. Ini asli gwe butuh banget bantuan dari kalian kalian semua. Caranya ? Financial Donation Ini yang paling dibutuhin banget, dukungan dana dari kalian semua. Jumlahnya gak banyak kok, cuma sebesar Rp. 10.000 - Rp.20.000 (itung2 biaya member setahun kali ye huehue). Tapi yang namanya sumbangan kan bisa berapa ajah, terserah kalian yang mau nyumbang. Bagi yang berminat bisa transfer ke rekening ini : BCA KCP Hasanudin a/n : MOHAMMAD SYAFIUDDIN acc : 523 006 9397 Kalo udah, bisa di konfirmasikan ke support@doneeh.com Bagimana yang diluar negri ? Paypalnya udah jalan kok, click ajah di doneeh.com. Knowledge Donation Buat kalian yang punya ide apa pun soal scripting, nyariin klien buat pasang banner di doneeh.com atau apapun yang kira-kira bisa bantu doneeh.com gwe ngarepin banget bantuannya. Hmm apa lagi yah... kayaknya itu ajah dulu, tolong yah info ini di informasikan dan di sebar luaskan, dan tolong yang jago bahasa inggrisnya, halaman ini di translate ^^ gwe gak gape :D. Ayo semua,.. masa tega doneeh.com mati! Doneeh Saya hanya membantu So what do you say? Could we at least help him a little, after all that he has done for us. I think it's not hard, is it. Let's help. God bless you all. - What do you think - |W|P|108417690976847508|W|P|Help Doneeh help others|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/09/2004 09:07:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Do you believe in Astrology. Well I don't. But I once just curious filled out a form in the internet about this "Astrological thing" and this Angela the lady that host the web keeps on sending me emails that I have never even read. I have tried to send her a unsubscription message and she promised never to bug me again. That was about a year ago. But today i got another email from her.
Hello there Hendra, It's Angela here, your professional astrologer and I am contacting you today with some very important news indeed. I have often contacted you in the past however this time is very different as in just a few month's time an extraordinary event is set to take place, an astronomical occurance which is extremely influencial and which has not occured since the year 1882. On the 8th of June 2004 we will live through the most important astrological event in living memory, this event has never before been witnessed by anyone alive today and is an event which only happens once every single century and this event will have a considerable effect upon us all and most particularly upon you Hendra. I will explain in detail to you what this means and this is why it is important that you read this letter until the end, amongst all of my previous letters to you this one is most certainly the most important for you. For the very first time in over a hundred years Venus will glide across the face of the Sun in what is called an astral Transit. On the 8th of June 2004 we will be able to see the Planet of Love's silhouette cross in front of our Sun in the same manner as an eclipse and this planet's powerful influence will be entirely focused upon all of us here on Earth. For the first time in a very long time the Earth's and Venus' astral paths will cross and the planets will share the same space in our solar system. This phenomena is extremely rare and only four such events have occured since the invention of the telescope - these eclipses took place in 1518, 1631, 1761 and 1882................. more things about the effects of the cycles of the stars and planets and so on, I don't even understand........
The Venus Transit of June 8, 2004 is clearly the astronomical event of the year. But it may be much, much more than that. The Venus Transit has always preceded great breakthroughs in human consciousness and played a very significant role in very many cultures throughout the world. Since there is no person alive today who has witnessed a previous Transit the Venus Transit in 2004 will be everyone’s first such experience and this Transit will signal the beginning of a Golden Age. As I said, Venus, the jewel of the sky, will touch you very personally Hendra and you will very quickly feel it's influence in your lovelife. Venus prepares it's Transit over the next few months and you will find your lovelife changing in ways that you could not have foreseen. Above all I would really hope that you take into account the importance and the rare nature of this Transit and most particularly of the fact that this event is sure to have a very great impact on the state of your lovelife. Venus will act upon you in a very beneficial manner and if you know exactly how you should act at the time of this Transit you will be able to get the very best out of this period and I will explain to you just how you will be able to do that. For the moment I must explain to you in more detail exactly why this event will be so important for you. What does this mean concretely? It is not just because Venus will find itself in a particularly favorable position that on the 8th of June all single people will suddenly find their soulmate or that we will all experience extraordinary change in our lovelives on this exact day! Things are obviously not quite as simple as that! However what is certain is that although our lives may not be revolutionized on this precise day during this eclipse of the Earth, Sun and Venus, the period surrounding this date will be extremely important for very many of us and I will even go as far as to say that it will be capitally important for certain. I will explain myself, we have each a sentimental life which is very different - some of us are in relationships, some of us are asking ourselves questions about our relationships and some others are searching for their kindred spirit. At any rate our romantic lives are very important to us. This rare Venus Transit is certain to have a strong affect on our sentiments and will act as a magnifying glass, amplifying and catalyizing this side of our lives whatever our current situations may be and this is most particularly true for all those who are either searching for their soulmate or who are asking themselves questions about their relationship. These people must not miss this important event as Venus' influence will be of capital importance at this time and the tools must be found to benefit from this time's chances and opportunties in the very best manner possible. This is a unique event, Venus has not undergone such a powerful Transit since 1882.
Yeah right, she said that suddenly I will find the woman of my dream. As if the stars made that for me. Anyway I'm happy with the one that God has given me anyway, so why do I want to have what "the stars" will give me on the 8th of June. hahahaha, what a joke. There is no doubt at all that during this period which will surround the 8th of June 2004 (a few weeks before and a few weeks after) you will need a full analysis which will tell you EXACTLY WHEN and how to act, I must repeat that this period has the potential to radically change your life for good and most particularly as far as your lovelife is concerned. I therefore offer to produce for you a complete reading concerning your lovelife and this important Venus Transit, this reading will contain all of the essential information which you will need in order to get the very best out of this important time and to fully benefit from the opportunities which it is set to offer you as far as your lovelife is concerned.I must ask you however not to wait too long because bearing in mind the important nature of this event many of my clients have already requested this reading from me and I know that in just a few days time I will no longer be able to accept any more requests concerning this reading as I always like to work carefully, throughly, rigorously and meticulously for each one of my clients and this does take quite some time and I must limited the number of requests.
Hahaha, now she's talking and that's all it's all about. She will say many things to take my interest and then just used all this astrological mambo jumbo as a mask but what's really the point is that she wants my money. Well Angela, no way. I believe in Jesus, my saviour, and I believe that He is Lord that made all things and is powerful over everything. I just taught that today to my sunday school students, if I dn't believe it then I'm a hypocrite. I believe that God has power over all the stars and the planets and He made every single one of them. So why should I yield to the "power" of the creation when the creator is so much more POWERFUL. hahahaha. No I think I will just follow my Master. For He is good and faithful. God never changes and His mercy endureth forever and ever. If God wants to do soething "good" as in something that I will like than I'm so thankful Father, but if otherwise God thinks that I should experience something "bad" as in something that I wouldn't prefer to happen to me, than God must think that it's the best way to teach me something that will make me honor His name more and more as the outcome of it all. Glory be to the Father. - What do you think - |W|P|108411382034620420|W|P|Astrological Mambo Jumbo|W|P|hendra@gmail.com5/05/2004 09:44:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|

Well here's me at the Guangzhou Pazhou Exhibition Center where they held the Canton fair that I attended. Well it was nice. But you know what, I found out that there were so many Indonesians at that fair. Now I can really see that just about everyone from just about every aspects of exporting goods are going to China. Well in that fair they don't only exhibit footwear but also ceramics, daily use apparatus, toys and gifts, machinery, everything, and people from all over the world just came to see the fair. I can see mostly the people are from Asia, such as Indonesia,India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Pakistan, Korea, maybe Laos and Burma, also from Europe, such as Italy, France, Russia, Spain and many more I couldn't really specified, also from Latin America, such as Brazil, Mexican, Puerto Rica, and many more, Africa , Egypt many countries but they all look the same :) And of course also from the States and Canada too. So many people from so many countries come to China to buy goods there. It was so amazing, you know. Having to see those people. What's most interesting about it is when I walked around the fair and just looking at new shoe designs, I see people (foreigner) bargaining with the manufacturer (chinese). When I hear them talking, I could just make out from what country they came from and I'm mostly not mistaken except those countries that are just about similar like the Arabs and the Latin Americans and the Africans. These people I don't really understand their accent. But mostly I can guess their nationality and when I asked some of them, I wasn't mistaken. I guess I kinda have the EARS for listening to these foreign accents, huh. It's very nice to know other people's characteristics. This was a very tiring Fair because the size of the building is huge. If we're not careful and don't keep up with our group we can surely get lost inside. There are so many stand and so many things to be seen. Even just footwear has worn my eyes out for one day. So many shoes and sandals to see, ranging from the smallest size that are worn by little newborn kids to the adult sized ones. Ladies, mens, childrens, toddlers also sandals, boots and so much more from all sorts of materials from leather to artificial leather to mesh to plain fabrics. I was really getting dizzy. Can you imagine. If I had to walk all the footwear stands, just a casual walk and just a little looking about inside the stands, that would probably take me around one and a half hour, not to mention if I had to stop at many interesting stands and asking them to make us some samples of their shoes, that would probably take another two hours. Really tiring. Phew so glad that it was over. I got some pretty nice feeling towards what the trend to be in sporting footwear for the next season, so I can prepare myself and make some new designs according to those "maybe" trends. Well I guess I'm not very good yet at knowing which is acceptable in the Indonesian market, which isn't. Cause Indonesians tend to be very hypocritical . They want all the new things that are "imported looks" or "overseas looks" but want them to be at the cheapest price as possible and if that can still be lowered more, they will do it. Indonesians just can't respect these things.They want everything to be in the best quality and design as possible but must have the price of a beancurd. I mean really annoying habits, don't you think. Well that was Guangzhou. The city is really nice. I mean, it's kinda new developed city so many people from overseas are coming also to China to build many new buildings, some even exotic even contemporary. It's nice to see a growing city like this. The system are getting better from what I can see. Only the international airport is bad. I mean it's dead bad for such a nice city. The toilet's are the worst toilet, well to tell you the truth in all of Guangzhou, we cannot find a "nice" toilet only in the hotel and at the fair. They all stink and have "leftovers" cause these people just don't flush, wonder why? Well about the airport, they will have a new baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou maybe to be opened on June. Hopefully the toilet's there will be much better. I have more to tell you about this city. But maybe tommorow ok. Gotta go. I'm not feeling too well in the stomach if you know what I mean. hehehehe. - What do you think - |W|P|108376899565090936|W|P|Guangzhou Fair and toilets |W|P|hendra@gmail.com