6/29/2004 11:44:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Here's an email I received....(with a little translation and addition)

Dear All friends...........

Most of the time we ask ourselves and blame God,"What have I done to deserve all this?" or "Why does God allow this to happen to me?"

Here is a wonderful  explanation...

A boy once told his mom that nothing is going well for him, not as he expected. His grades on the report are bad, his girlfriend left him and his best friend just moved out of town.

At that moment his mom was baking a cake, and offered her son if he would like a taste. Gladly the son said,"Of course I would, mom, I love the cakes you make"
"Here taste this margarine," mom said. "Yuks," said the boy.

"How about this raw eggs  ?"
"You're kidding me, Mom."
"Want some flour or baking soda  ?"
"Mom, they're all disgusting."
Then momma answered, "Yup, they all don't look too tasty if you look at them one by one But if you stir it well and mix it together the right way, it will become the best cake you will ever taste."

God works the same way. We often blame Him for the hardship that we have to suffer. But God knows that if He let it all happen one by one according to His plans then everything will be perfect and in time. we only need to believe in the process to improve our lives and that God really loves us.

He gives wonderful flowers at spring time, sunrays in the morning. Everytime we want to talk to Him, He will willingly listen to all our problems. All we need to do is belive and trust Him with all our lives then all the ingredients of life will be mixed together and we will see how wonderful His love has been all these time.

Best Regards,

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http://mail.yahoo.com |W|P|108848424326309444|W|P|Life is like baking a cake|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/29/2004 09:01:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|

"He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, will suddenly be destroyed." Proverbs 29 : 1
I always stffen my neck and a very stubborn person... I guess I have to soften my heart some more so I am not destroyed by the amazing power of God.
"Lord, help me see my hidden sin, Those secret wrongs that lurk within; I would confess them all to Thee _ Transparent I would always be."
For all of you in Indonesia, and those who are concern for this country's future, please join me this week to PRAY FOR INDONESIA WEEK. I would like for all of us to begin praying for our beloved country so that God be willing to restore it and give us the best leader to lead this country to achieve a better security and prosperity. May God help us all. Anyone can just have your own time to pray, no matter what religion you are. Take some time to pray for this country. God bless us all. - What do you think - |W|P|108847511896143082|W|P|PRAY FOR INDONESIA WEEK|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/28/2004 10:00:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|You know how sometimes we worry about all things in life. Well actually we know that God has it all thought of and he never forsaken us. Read the verses from Psalms 23 and you'll find out that it's all there for us, as told to us by David The LORD is my shepherd, (That’s relationship) I shall not want. (That’s supply) He makes me lie down in green pastures, (That’s rest) he leads me beside quiet waters, (That’s refreshment) he restores my soul. (That’s healing) He guides me in paths of righteousness (That’s guidance) for his name's sake. (That’s purpose) Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, (That’s testing) I will fear no evil, (That’s confidence) for you are with me; (That’s protection) your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (That’s discipline) You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. (That’s hope) You anoint my head with oil; (That’s consecration) my cup overflows. (That’s abundance) Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, (That’s blessing) and I will dwell in the house of the LORD (That’s home) forever. (That’s eternity!) So what more do we need? - What do you think - |W|P|108839200707231491|W|P|Psalms 23|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/27/2004 09:05:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Untuk di renungkan, Ada seorang tentara Amerika yang melayani Tuhan berdiri dipinggir jalan untuk mencari tumpangan ke kota Chicago di Illinois. Sebenarnya perbuatan "hitchhiking" ini melanggar hukum dan sangat berbahaya, tetapi tidak ada alternatif lain bagi tentara ini kecuali melakukan hal itu. Tiba-tiba sebuah limousine (mobil Cadillac panjang yang pintunya di tiap sisi ada empat buah itu) warna hitam menghampiri tentara itu dan memberikan tumpangan. Tentara dan pemilik limousine tersebut saling berkenalan (siapa namanya, asalnya dari mana, kerja di mana, dsb) dan tiba-tiba Roh Kudus membisikkan dalam hati tentara ini untuk membagikan berita mengenai keselamatan di alam Kristus kepada pemilik limousine ini. Tentara itu menolak bisikan Roh tersebut, karena pikirnya, masakan saya habis melanggar hukum tiba2 memberitakan Kristus, dan terlebih lagi karena tentara ini TAKUT dipukuli pemilik limousine ini dan diturunkan di tengah jalan. Tapi bisikan Roh Kudus tersebut sedemikian kuat sehingga tentara ini tidak tahan lagi dan berkata kepada pemilik limousine ini, "Pak... boleh nggak saya menanyakan masalah pribadi?" "Oh, boleh saja," jawab Bapak ini, "Pertanyaan apa?" "Kalau misalnya Bapak meninggal dunia besok pagi, Bapak kira-kira akan masuk surga atau masuk neraka?" "Kamu tahu nggak?" jawab Bapak ini, "Sesaat sebelum saya Memberimu tumpangan, saya juga tiba-tiba memikirkan hal itu, dan saya pikirkalau saya mati besok, saya akan masuk neraka." "Bapak mau nggak saya beritahu caranya masuk surga?" tanya tentara ini. "Oh, tentu saja mau," jawab Bapak itu. Tentara itu lalu mulai membagikan berita keselamatan mengenai Yesus Kristus dan menantang Bapak ini untuk menerima Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat pribadinya. Bapak itu bersedia menerima Yesus, dan ia menghentikan mobilnya di pinggir jalan dan mengajak tentara itu membimbing dia berdoa untuk menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamatnya. Air mata meleleh di pipi Bapak ini. Ia mengatakan, "Kamu tahu nggak? Malam ini kamu sudah melakukan hal yang sangat besar bagi hidup saya, saya nggak akan pernah melupakan apa yang kamu sudah lakukan bagi hidup saya Chicago." K Ketika tentara ini mohon diri (turun dari mobil), Bapak itu memberikan satu kartu nama sambil berkata, "Ketahuilah... hari ini anda sudah melakukan hal yang sangat penting dalam hidup saya. Kapan-kapan kalau main ke Chicago hubungilah saya di alamat ini." dan tak lama kemudian mereka berpisah. Waktu lima tahun sudah berlalu dan tentara ini kemudian kembali berkunjung ke kota Chicago, dan ia ingat akan kartu nama yang diberikan oleh Bapak pemilik limousine ini kepadanya. Tentara ini ingin tahu kabar mengenai Bapak tersebut, dan ia datang ke alamat yang tertera di kartu nama tersebut, dan ia sampai ke sebuah gedung pencakar langit kantor pusat sebuah perusahaan raksasa di Amerika Serikat. Ia memberikan kartu tersebut kepada satpam, dan satpam itu sangat terkejut dan bertanya, "Dari mana kamu dapatkan kartu ini?" Tentara itu menjawab, "Yang empunya kartu itu sendiri yang memberikannya kepada saya." sehingga satpam itu menjawab, Kamu naik ke lantai paling atas, sampai sana belok kiri dan kamu tanya pada sekretaris yang ada di sana." Tentara itu naik ke lantai paling atas dan memberikan kartu nama itu kepada sekretaris yang ada di sana yang juga sangat terkejut, "Dari mana anda dapatkan kartu ini?" Jawab tentara itu, "Wah... panjang ceritanya... tapi beliau sendiri yang memberikannya kepada saya." "Bapak ini sekarang tidak ada di sini...apakah anda ingin bertemu dengan istrinya?" "Boleh",jawab tentara itu, dan ia dipertemukan dengan istri Bapak itu yang adalah Presiden Direktur dari perusahaan raksasa tersebut. "Dari mana kamu peroleh kartu ini?" tanya ibu (istri) tersebut. Tentara itu menceriterakan ihwal pertemuannya dengan Bapak itu dan bagaimana Bapak itu menerima Yesus sebagai penyelamatnya. Mendengar itu semua meledaklah tangis Ibu tersebut. Ia menceriterakan bahwa tak lama sesudah menurunkan tentara itu, limousine tersebut memperoleh kecelakaan yang sangat fatal yang menewaskan Bapak tersebut. Ibu itu mengatakan bahwa bertahun-tahun ia berdoa supaya suaminya diselamatkan, dan ia mengira bahwa suaminya meninggal tanpa diselamatkan, sehingga ia begitu marah kepada Tuhan dan meninggalkan gereja dan pelayanannya. Apa yang dilakukan oleh tentara itu adalah hal yang paling penting yang pernah terjadi dalam hidup Bapak itu, tetapi hal yang tidak kalah penting lagi ialah CARA Allah mengabulkan doa ibu itu. Ibu itu sadar bahwa Allah BEKERJA di dalam doa2 yang disampaikannya TANPA memberitahu Ibu tersebut bahwa doanya TELAH DIKABULKAN TUHAN. Dari kisah ini kita bisa belajar: HARUSKAH Tuhan itu memberitahu kita apabila Ia bekerja dalam rangka mengabulkan doa-doa kita? TIDAKKAH mata iman kita itu bisa melihat bahwa di balik doa yang SEPERTINYA tidak dikabulkan oleh Tuhan itu TERNYATA Tuhan bekerja untuk mengabulkan doa2 kita? Sedemikian cepatnyakah kita MENUDUH bahwa Tuhan itu tidak setia, Tuhan itu berbohong, Tuhan itu tidak menjawab doa-doa kita, dan Tuhan itu tidak berkenan atas doa-doa kita? HARUSKAH Allah itu mengabulkan doa kita dengan cara yang SESUAI dengan cara yang kita sodorkan kepada Tuhan? Apakah kita sudah sedemikian "dijangkiti" oleh "doa instan" yang "harus dikabulkan hari ini juga","harus dikabulkan tahun ini juga" dan lain sebagainya? With Love in JESUS, taken from an email from a friend that was sent to me. - What do you think - |W|P|108821564548639510|W|P|Cara Tuhan menjawab doa kita|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/26/2004 02:50:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well I've been here before but at that time I was from a warnet (rental Internet) so when I made my icons I didn't get to copy them. After that I forgot about this site and it's address. I was trying to get back there but had no memory of the site name cause I found it on someone's blog, you know how sometimes blogwalking makes you confused which was from where? Well this was that kinda situation. It makes cool icons and it kinda look like me too. Check it out.
This is me when I was in Sydney Me in Japan Me at the office, kinda look like a boss doesn't it? And here's me just being cool, hehee :P
I quite like this site, and maybe I'm addicted to it. hehehe You don't know how many graphics I've made do you? :P Well that's just for me to know and for you to find out.OK - What do you think - |W|P|108815041434676560|W|P|Cool Icons|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/25/2004 09:44:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|After I tried it, I kinda liked it but then again it takes a lot of space. It has nice smilies but then again takes up so much space. So today I decided to return to this. Thanks to all that have posted on this but let's enjoy this again. It's so much simpler and doesn't take up much space. Hopefully this won't be down again in the near future. Thanks a lot - What do you think - |W|P|108813196842895626|W|P|Balik Kucing|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/24/2004 11:14:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Phew!! Some of my new shoe designs are to be produced in China. This morning we had the meeting about the product so tommorow one of the quality control is going to Jinjiang. Hope everything's gonna be fine. New designs and hopefully good responds from the Indonesian market. Last night I went to a friend called Elisabeth with Phunneh. Phunneh wanted to have some work experince as an interior designer cause she feels that what she learns at uni is so little as somewhat useless once it has to be applied to the real world. Too much theory and not so much practice, so she's afraid that once she graduated, she's still blank about the whole situation. Well she's right and I know for a fact that what I learned at uni can only be used about 5 % of it and not too much more. So once you get to the field, it's so different than what I once found in uni. More working experience is a must if you want to have "added value" to yourself. Well Elisabeth or we usually call her Bebet is like that. She started from so low and worked her way up and now she "owns" her own company called Leeds. That's interior designs and also exterior and furniture as well. Well we chatted a lot last night and it was so interesting. All the experiences she had with her former bosses and how she started to make her own company with a friend, it's all so inspiring. I was just full of awe yesterday hehehe. She said that the important thing is always to have a clear head when designing, always start with some brainstorming of ideas. Freshen your ideas with always looking at new stuff from magazines and internet and stores (this is just so much like what I'm doing in this company...hehe). But she's just so cool doing in, so much better than me I guess. I really admire her, especially when I saw all the photos of the interior that she designed and it's all by her. From colour and funiture and everything is her designs (at least 75%). Cool girl. Guess now I also have to sketch more everytime I get an idea and just draw draw draw even though sometimes it's kinda extreme. hehehe just to practice my drawing skills and my designing skills hehe. Hopefully Phuneeh can also learn a lot from her so she also can start her own company maybe in five years hahahaha. Yeah just hopefully. - What do you think - |W|P|108805262552329994|W|P|New inspiration|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/23/2004 09:23:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|THIS ONE IS FABULOUS!!! It was written by an 8 year old, Danny Dutton of Chula Vista, CA, for his third grade homework assignment. The assignment was to explain God. EXPLANATION OF GOD
"One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth. He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers." "God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off." "God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting His time by going over your Mom and dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have." "Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least there aren't any who come to our church." "Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God. They finally got tired of Him preaching to them and they crucified Him But He was good and kind, like His Father, and He told His Father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said O.K." "His dad (God) appreciated everything that He had done and all His hard work on earth so He told Him He didn't have to go out on the road anymore. He could stay in heaven. So He did. And now He helps His dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones He can take care of Himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more important." "You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time." "You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God. Don't skip church or do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway." "If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared, in the dark or when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids." "But...you shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and He can take me back anytime he pleases. And...that's why I believe in God."
---------------------------------------------- Cool huh, maybe you've read this before, and maybe you haven't but I thought that it would be nice just to post it here. What an 8 year old honestly think of God. I wonder if I know that much to really speak from my heart. Well I took this from here. Have fun. - What do you think - |W|P|108795767993562538|W|P|Explanation of an 8 year old|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/22/2004 10:51:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|I'm sad I'm sad I'm sad I'm sad I don't know what is wrong but I feel really sad. - What do you think - |W|P|108792022335467968|W|P|I'm sad |W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/22/2004 12:34:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Just changed the shoutbox with the ones from wdcreezz. One thing is because the old one from doneeh this few days have been having some troubles so it's kinda annoying, well I can't say much and I can't complain cause it's a free shoutbox. I'm quite glad that they have this service in the first place. But now there's another Indonesian owned shoutbox service from wdcreez and it has a smilies list also so maybe it's somewhat a little "cool"er. hehe That's the only reason actually. hey...maybe this new shoutbox will also be a boom, who knows. Well, I'm kinda busy these few days so nothing much to be updated. Thanks to all. So whaddya think of it? - What do you think - |W|P|108788288914235336|W|P|New Shoutbox|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/21/2004 08:27:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
“Aku tahu segala pekerjaanmu: engkau tidak dingin dan tidak panas! Jadi karena engkau suam suam kuku, dan tidak dingin atau panas, Aku akan memuntahkan engkau dari mulutKu.” Wahyu 3:15-16
Jarang ada orang yang benar benar atheis. Tapi yang banyak adalah orang yang theis tapi nggak terlalu peduli kepada Allah dalam kehidupannya sehari hari. Bukan atheis, jadi mungkin dapat diistilahkan sebagai “apatheist”. Mungkin aku berdoa kepada Tuhan, tapi apakah doaku itu nggak sekedar permintaan dan sebagai alat “menyuruh” Tuhan melakukan sesuatu untukku? Atau aku juga melayani dalam persekutuan orang percaya, tapi apakah ini hanya sekedar rutinitas yang nggak ada artinya? Apakah aku sudah kehilangan kasih mula mula itu? Yang meluap luap dari Allah ketika aku pertama kali mengenalNya?
“Barangsiapa Kukasihi, ia Kutegor dan Kuhajar: sebab itu relakanlah hatimu dan bertobatlah” Wahyu 3: 19
- What do you think - |W|P|108778136814008864|W|P|Apatheist|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/20/2004 08:40:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|idih menjijikkan deh ya. Kemaren itu si Wiranto ama Susilo BY pake ke AFI lagi numpang naikkin pamor mereka. Lha kok ajang nyanyi dipake sebagai tempat nambah popularitas diri sendiri. Mana Wiranto nyanyinya pake lagu politis banget lagi. yang bilang Indonesia aku cinta padamu. adduuuuuuhhhh sampe mau muntah deh ya rasanya. Kok cintanya cuma waktu kampanye doangwangwangwangnnnnggggg. jadi males deh ndengarnya. Yeeekkk. Yang agak mending adalah SBY, walo aku nggak senang banget dia pake panggung AFI untuk sekedar nampilin diri. Aduh kok ini dua capres ini keliatan banget sih lagi njilat njilat rakyat. Tapi yang penting seharusnya nantinya kalo emang benar lolos jadi presiden deh. benar nggak apa yang dikata. Paling juga ntar banyak melesetnya. Tapi SBY pinter karena milih lagunya Jamrud, Pelangi di Matamu jadi bener bener serasa lebih dekat dengan anak anak muda yang lagi nonton di JICC kemaren. Walo ntar pasti banyak dikomentarin tentang calon Presiden kok nyanyinya lagu itu apalagi Jamrud yang identik dengan anak muda yang "rada beda". Pokoknya paling males kalo politik dicampuradukkan ama entertainment masyarakat yang kadang sudah terlalu sumpek ngeliatin tuh 10 orang capres-cawapres. Bukan aku anti ama mereka. mereka toh pasti akan menjadi pemimpin negeri ini dalam waktu dekat ini tapi aku nggak suka cara mereka menjilat rakyat sekarang trus nggak ada bukti akan janjinya pasti terlaksana. Sekarang semua bisa dengan penuh senyum dan perkataan yang sangat baik antara satu dan lainnya tapi di belakang mereka saling memaki... Wah ini sih hypocrite namanya. Aku sangat ingin melihat seorang pemimpin yang nggak terlalu macam macam dan bisa dipegang omongannya. Yang benar benar ngeliat ke bawah dan mendukung rakyat dan mengerti kepentingan rakyat, bukan yang awalnya doang begitu trus selanjutnya tetap aja memarakkan agenda korupsi untuk orang orang yang telah membantu mereka naik ke atas. Kadang nyata sekali kalo omongan2 mereka itu Bull**** tapi what can I do? I can't choose any other than the 10 candidates can I? That makes me wanna scream cause I haven't really found the figure that I'm looking for in these people. But I could be wrong. maybe they are capable of doing what they say that they will do. Hopefully and this is the only hope that I have left for them. i can't hope for too much. Hope they at least try to make the effort of making all their promises into a reality. God help them. If they are for the people then I will stand by them no matter what, but now they haven't shown such things so why should I stand for people that doesn't wanna know if the prople are not eating or in such deep poverty, but just think about ways that they may get more wealth and stuff. I hate people like this. - What do you think - |W|P|108774359707425593|W|P|What should I say?|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/21/2004 11:25:00 AM|W|P|Anonymous Anonyme|W|P|nonton AFI juga ya, berarti wiken-nya gak kmana2 donk....:D

http://amihb.blogspot.com6/18/2004 10:41:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Hey para AFI (Akademi Fantasi Indosiar) mania, besok tuh acara grand final untuk AFI ke-2. Lu semua pasti tau dong. Aku sih nggak ngikuti sedetail dan seheboh beberapa orang teman yang aku tahu, tapi ya aku tahulah siapa yang namanya siapa apalagi 2 kali ini udah orang "Medan" masuk final. hehee Bangga? enggak juga karena emang mereka bukan asli orang Medan, tapi kebetulan menang penyisihannya di Medan. Tapi ya ga papa deh, yang penting nama Medan semakin sering disebut di blantika nusantara hahahaha (udah kayak apa aja..ya) Tapi apa yang aku lihat dari pelaksanaan AFi kedua ini. Well, for starters, it's much "better" karena yang ditampilkan adalah orang orang yang lebih "bisa nyanyi" dari anak2 AFI pertama. Ini juga mungkin faktor semakin banyaknya peserta yang ikut dengan iming iming "kesuksesan" dari AFI I. Mungkin yang pertama kurang greng karena publikasinya kurang santer sehingga yang ikut masih sedikit dan yang lolos adalah terbaik dari yang sedikit tersebut. hehe. Tapi mungkin karena sekarang lebih banyak lagi ditambah kota kota baru lagi jadi semakin seru dan semakin baik kualitasnya. What else...Well it's getting better karena sekarang selain mereka menyanyikan lagu yang sudah populer mereka juga diberi kesempatan nyanyiin lagu yang diciptakan khusus untuk mereka, yang ternyata ada juga kontesnya. Wah tambah pinter aja ya buat acara. Sehingga mereka juga belajar tentang lagu jenis apa yang cocok untuk mereka. Tapi yang paling mencolok adalah animo masyarakat Indonesia terhadap acara ini. Memang harus diakui bahwa masyarakat Indonesia itu orangnya adalah "follower" alias copycat. Kita itu jarang deh bener2 original nampilin apa yang benar benar hasil karya kita sendiri. Jadi pinternya niru apa yang udah populer di luar dibawa masuk Indonesia. Tapi ya kadang nggak papa deh, walo nggak mendorong anak Indonesia untuk maju. Untuk acara AFI kedua ini animo masyarakat kita begitu luar biasa. Mulai dari abang tukang becak yang mangkal di pinggir jalan, ke pedagang sayur di pasar, ke anak sekolah dimana aja, ke ibu ibu rumah tangga yang nggak punya kerjaan di rumah, bahkan sampai ke kantor kantor, bukan hanya karyawan kantor tapi juga bos ikut nimbrung, ke pelawak, ke para artis top, ke pejabat bahkan pejabat teras sekalipun, semua demam AFI. Indosiar hebat? mungkin ya, mungkin tidak. Mungkin masyarakat Indonesia udah terlalu sumpek aja dengan kondisi bangsa yang careut marut seperti ini, atau juga bingung mau pilih presiden mana yang paling baik....yah mending cari hiburan dulu deh. Atau juga sudah bosan dengan tyayangan sinetron yang nggak jelas mulanya dan akhirnya yang diputar terus menerus dan terkesan hanya untuk mengejar jumlah dan nggak peduli kualitas isi dari sinetron tersebut... dan mungkin banyak lagi kejenuhan bangsa kita ini. Aku kaget juga sih ngelihat banyak artis artis TOP yang kelihatan di layar kaca sedang nonton AFI langsung dari dekat bahkan duduknya dekat panggung, sehingga mungkin dapat disimpulkan mereka rela mengocek duit untuk sekedar melihat "anak anak bau kencur" yang notabene mereka jauh lebih senior. Tapi mereka rela untuk mungkin ngantri tiket juga, atau mungkinbayar sedikit lebih mahal untuk bisa dapat tempat yang "baik". Tapi yang sangat mengkagetkan aku adalah reaksi para pemimpin daerah tempat asal para akademia yang lolos ini, terutama 3 besar. Dukungan dari Solo tempat asal Tia begitu besar sampai mereka akan menyediakan 2 buah bis wisata untuk mengangkut para Tia-mania dari Solo untuk melihat langsung konser ini besok, berarti mungkin sedang dalam perjalanan hehe. Di kota Solo, katanya spanduk dikibarkan dimana mana untuk mengajak seluruh warga Solo mendukung Tia. Wah hebat banget deh. mau bupati, lurah, camat, semua pegawainya dan lain lain dikerahkan untuk mengirim sms untuk akademia satu ini. Wuihhhhh Belum lagi dari Pekanbaru, tempat asal dua orang akademia yang masuk 3 besar yaitu Haikal dan Micky. Pekanbaru terpecah jadi 2, kubu Haikal dan Micky. Menurut Jawa Pos semua keluarga bahu membahu untuk mempublikasikan mereka ke teman temannya, bahkan ibunya Micky mendatangi walikota untuk minta dukungan.. Wah sudah kayak mau pemilu aja ya. Tapi bukan pemilihan presiden tapi akademia AFI2. Akhirnya ternyata memang walikota Pekanbaru dan "krew"nya mendukung mereka, bahkan sialnya mereka mendukung dua sekaligus sehingga smsnya harus double untuk 2 orang ini karena nggak pengen take side, biar adil. Mereka juga dijanjikan akan mendapat bonus kalo masuk 3 besar dan lebih lagi kalau jadi pemenang pertama. Wahhhhhh enaknya. Bukan hanya walikota tetapi juga Gubernur Riau merasa bangga dan menginstruksikan kepada kepala2 daerah lainnya di luar Pekanbaru untuk turut mendukung kedua akademia ini. Gileeee bo! Gile belom jadi selebritis aja udah jauh melebihi selebriti dukungannya. Emang di satu sisi semakin didengarnya nama daerah asal para akademia dan ditonton jutaan pemirsa maka semakin banyak pula investor yang berminat mungkin....Kali aja ya, just a wild guess. Anyway it's that big now, beda dengan AFI pertama lalu, JAUH. Kalo aku suruh milih mana yang jadi favoritku, emang aku pilih Tia sebagai yang paling bisa nyanyi dengan suara maut bo. Tapi kalau dibilang solidaritas sesama kampung halaman, maka aku juga akan memilih Haikal yang lebih memilih Medan ketimbang Jakarta. Sehingga nama Medan semakin harum, apalagi kalau dia sukses menjadi pemenang pertama,. maka Medan akan dua kali berturut turut memenangi kontes ini. hehe either way, I don't really care who wins. I'm not tied emotionally to this event anyway. I just wanna enjoy it as an alternative entertaiment. Tapi trus ini ada lagi AFI 3 mungkin latah kali ya, dengan kesuksesan AFI 2 ini sehingga mau terus mengeruk untung dari hal; itu. Tapi kalau menurut aku semakin lama akan semakin basi dan nggak banyak lagi yang berminat kecuali acara ini akan dikembangkan terus dan terus dan tiap edisi ada sesuatu yang baru dan heboh. tapi tanpa itu semua AFI 3 hanya akan jadi proyek ikut ikutan yang nggak banyak membawa hasil positif? Don't you think? So siapa yang ikut AFI 3? Ya udah deh, jangan lupa nonton besok malam ya. I might watch, but then again I might not, it's just an entertainment. Doesn't matter if I don't watch it right? - What do you think - |W|P|108757591435977956|W|P|Heboh Konser Final AFI|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/17/2004 08:27:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Have you tried this love test It says that Hendra is: 1. You are attracted to those who are elegant and well-mannered. 2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you feel irresistable is creative, never let you feel bored. 3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is optimistic. 4. You don't like it when your partner is emotional and/or too moody; and you don't know how to please him/her. 5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your partner is that both of you can talk about everything and anything, no secret is kept. 6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything wrong after marriage. 7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married, you'll treasure it and your partner very much. 8. At this moment, you think of love as a committment for both parties. Well, I think that most of them are true. I wonder what those animals have in common with my feelings and thoughts. Hehehehe How about this world's easiest quiz. I must be stupid cause I couldn't get one right Here's a Physhological test for me, and the results:
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing and always interesting; someone who is constantly the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to your head. They see you also as kind, considerate and understanding; someone who will cheer them up and help them out.
How about this other Personality quiz It says that I'm an Artisan. Artisan are the temperament with a natural ability to excel in any of the arts, not only the fine arts such as painting and sculpting, or the performing arts such as music, theater, and dance, but also the athletic, military, political, mechanical, and industrial arts, as well as the "art of the deal" in business.( well to tell you the truth guys these things are so true, they are my favourite past times) Artisans are most at home in the real world of solid objects that can be made and manipulated, and of real-life events that can be experienced in the here and now(yup only the present...hehe, not too much of the future). Artisans have exceptionally keen senses, and love working with their hands (true). They seem right at home with tools, instruments, and vehicles of all kinds, and their actions are usually aimed at getting them where they want to go, and as quickly as possible (gue banget). Thus Artisan will strike off boldly down roads that others might consider risky or impossible, doing whatever it takes, rules or no rules, to accomplish their goals. This devil-may-care attitude also gives the Artisans a winning way with people, and they are often irresistibly charming with family, friends and co-workers.(hahaha true again) Artisans wants to be where the action is; they seek out the adventure and show a constant hunger for pleasure and stimulation. They believe that variety is the spice of life, and that doing things aren't fun or exciting is a waste of time (aduh kok benar semua gini sih). Artisans are impulsive, adaptable, competitive, and believe the next throw of dice will be the lucky one (optimists). They can also be generous to a fault, always ready to share with their friends from the bounty of live. Above all, Artisans need to be free to do what they wish (agak egois ya...hey that's me dude). They resist being tied or bound or confined or obligated; they would rather not wait (ohhh ever so true), or save or store, or live for tomorrow. In the Artisan view, today must be enjoyed, for tomorrow never comes.(can't say that this is not my thought hehe) Artisans make up between 15 to 20 % of the population, which is good, because they create much of the beauty, grace, fun and excitement the rest of us enjoy in life.(see guys, you all should be thankful to us Artisans cause your life can be more pleasurable because of people like us...hehhehehee) Kuis ginian fun banget ya apalagi kalo yang dia bilangin banyak benarnya. wah jadi semakin kenal ama personality gue. Asalnya tau sih, cuma kalo disuruh menuliskan in so many words, mungkin I wouldn't be able to. Karena aku bukan tipe pemikir yang bisa menuliskan isi hatiku secara detail...hehehe thanks to this quiz, I know where I stand. ------------------------------------------- Yesterday had been a sad day for me, my favourite team, the Los Angeles Lakers lost the NBA Finals to the Pistons. How can that happen. I'm so mourning over this loss. I just couldn't believe my ears. The oh so powerful Shaquille with the witty and speedy Kobe Bryant couls be outrunned by Ben Wallace and friends. That's just so intolerable. The Lakers were in so much injury trouble that they just couldn't get the game to go their way. Ah well I know that you can do it guys. I'll be waiting next year for the vengeance. I know that the Pistons would not hold the throphy for two seasons in a row, cause it'll come home to Los Angeles. Adios Amigos. - What do you think - |W|P|108743980789913433|W|P|Nothing|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/18/2004 09:47:00 AM|W|P|Anonymous Anonyme|W|P|Artisan hmmm interesting....:)6/16/2004 08:45:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Have you notice the latest update on Yahoo mail? Hahaha that's right as most of you may have already known they are giving away 100Mb free emails, from which was a mere 6 Mb. On one condition it's great. Now I can have a yahoomail with a big capacity for free ehehe :) They used to charge 49.99 a year for 100 Mb, did you know? Maybe you do, maybe you don't or maybe you don't care as long as you have a free one. Right hahaha. Anyway, doesn't it just makes you wonder why are they doing this? Is it because they have a new rival as in GMail that offers 1000Mb of free space hahaha and they're afraid that their customers are gonna "run away" from Yahoo! I wonder. They make it as if they are being a copy cat, especially when they launch this after Gmail launched their BETA version, which I also got one hehe. Well actually I have 2 Yahoo accounts or perhaps three, but one I seldom use but is still available for me and a GMail and a hotmail account and used to have a lycos account, I don't know about the last one but I have never opened it in such a long time. So that should give me at least around 1300 Mb of email storage. hehe not to mention if maybe just a MAYBE hotmail decided to join the trend and make theirs into 500Mb of free space for a free account, what'll I have...hehehehe... in your dreams hendra...In your dreamssss They also have a new face, somewhat nicer and sleeker.But still you are a copy cat...hahaha Anyway thanks Yahoo for following in the GMail's footsteps. It gives me such an advantage, even though you are still a copycat, but doesn't matter. I like this kind of copying, cause it's for my sake. hahahaha. Nice move Yahoo! So guys do you Yahoo! oh yeah just found out one thing, the delete button doesn't work. Damn, but actually maybe there's no need for one. Ah well. - What do you think - |W|P|108735140125877963|W|P|Copy cat|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/15/2004 11:33:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Tadi malam aku dan Vanny melayat ke rumah Pak Zulkarnaen, seorang tua yang sangat setia kepada Tuhan. Aku tidak mengenalnya pada awalnya. Kalau anda mengenal Rudy Hartono, seorang pebulutangkis yang sangat hebat yang sering kali membawa piala Thomas ke Indonesia (8 kali kalau tidak salah), nah Pak Zulkarnaen adalah ayahnya. Aku sering melihatnya datang ke gereja, biasanya pasti jam lima sore. Kedatangannya pasti agak "heboh" karena dia berada diatas kursi roda dan tidak bisa berjalan sendiri, sehingga seluruh keluarganya akan mengantarnya ke gereja bersama sama dan duduk bersama di kursi depan, disamping pintu agar memudahkan akses masuk dan keluarnya. Sehingga pasti ketika mereka masuk sedikit agak gaduh dari membuka pintu sampai mendudukkan pak Zulkarnaen ke tempat duduknya. Ternyata dia ini sangat setia sekali. Dulunya ia adalah seorang yang menjadi pelatih pebulutangkis Indonesia. Rakyat Indonesia sebenarnya sangat berhutang kepadanya karena mendidik seorang Rudi Hartono bisa menjadi seorang atlet hebat. Tapi menurut penjelasan Pak Rudi, ayahnya terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaannya melatih anaknya dan orang lain sehingga tidak pernah mempunyai waktu yang intim dengan Tuhan. Baru setelah dia menderita stroke pertama kali, sepuluh tahun yang lalu ia mulai dijamah Tuhan. Anak anaknya selalu mendoakan agar ayahnya dapat mengenal Tuhan secara pribadi. Akhirnya setelah menderita stroke tersebut dan dikenalkan kepada Tuhan, ia meminta Rudi untuk membelikannya sebuah alkitab yang dapat ia baca tanpa mengenakan kacamata. Dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir ini, menurut pengakuannya kepada Pak Rudi, ia telah menyelesaikan membaca alkitab sebanyak 3,5 kali. Sungguh hebat untuk orang yang sangat tua seperti dia. Ia juga sering datag ke persekutuan pengenalan alkitab yang biasanya memang dihadiri oleh para lansia, dan ternyata beberapa hari yang lalu dia sempat memenangkan kuis alkitab yang membuatnya sangat bangga sekali. Hadiahnya dipamerkannya kepada anak anaknya dan cucunya yang ada di rumah itu. Begitu menyentuh sekali. Pak Rudi Hartono begitu merasa kehilangan sekaligus bangga bisa mempunyai orangtua yang seperti ini, terutama pada akhir hayatnya tetap setia pada Allah. Biasanya bagi orang yang sukses dan orang yand punya kepribadian hebat, sering sekali merasa tidak memerlukan Allah karena menganggap dapat melakukan banyak hal sendiri, dengan kekuatannya. Tapi tidak demikian halnya dengan pak Zulkarnaen. Setelah ia dijamah oleh Tuhan, perubahannya begitu dahsyat sekali. Tadi malam itu kami mengiringi pujian penghiburan bersama tim dari gereja. Aku dan Vanny dan Desy bernyanyi memuji Tuhan diiringi oleh musik yang dimainkan Apostolos, band mahasiswa Papua yang melayani di gereja kami. Kami semua begitu dikuatkan oleh kesaksian keluarga dan teman yang mengenalnya. Sungguh indah karya Tuha dalam hidupnya. Walaupun dia dikenal secara internasional, namun ia tidak lagi mementingkan itu semua melainkan hanya Tuhan saja yang ada di hatinya. Pagi tadi jenazah dibawa ke pemakaman Sentong, di Lawang untuk dikebumikan disana. Selamat jalan Pak Zulkarnaen. Semoga teladanmu dapat kuingat dan menjadi inspirasi dalam hidupku juga. - What do you think - |W|P|108727592823614437|W|P|Pak Zulkarnaen|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/15/2004 09:21:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Time is not measured by the years that you live But by the deeds that you do and the joy that you give. And each day as it comes brings a change to each one To love to the fullest, leaving nothing undone. That would brighten the life or lighten the load Of some weary traveller lost on life's road. So what does it matter how long we may live, If as long as we live we unselfishly give. -Helen Steiner Rice-
- What do you think - |W|P|108726655755096564|W|P|Time|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/13/2004 02:10:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah. Itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu; jangan ada orangyang memegahkan diri. Karena kita ini buatan Allah diciprakan dalam Kristus Yesus untuk melakukan pekerjaan baik yang dipersiapkan Allah sebelumnya. Ia mau supaya kita hidup di dalamnya.
Ini adalah ayat yang nanti rencananya aku berikan sebagai Petunjuk Hidup Baru di gereja. Ntar malam pelayanan sebagai WL alias worship leader, jadi tadi banyak persiapan untuk ntar malam. ------------------- I'm having such a fine day today because we are back in business. Yup a few days ago might be a very dark era (hehehe if you can call it that) in our lives, we were fighting badly and oh...it was like hell and we were like fighting physically at times. So it was just one of the worst days of my life. But I know that I cannot leave her. I love her too much and cherish her love towards me too. It's as if I don't know where this world is taking me without her by myside. Melancholy huh, but it's true. I guess, I just know that she's my soul mate that if we are to be parted then there's gonna be such a big THING missing in my life, and I just couldn't bear it. Love you, sweety. ------------------ Well since it's such a nice day, I'm gonna have myself a nice time too. It seems like nothing can bother me at this time, everything seems to be going well. PERFECT. Thanks Lord. - What do you think - |W|P|108711189173695703|W|P|Enjoying the Day|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/11/2004 10:02:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|I'm not feeling at all good today. Too many things on my mind. Frustating things. About love, hate, semua deh pokok e lagi buinguuuung poll. penolakan, kesedihan, keputusasaan. Jadi males banget nih ari, beneran deh. Why does the sun keep on shining? I wonder. ------------------------------- Pernah berpikir nggak tentang orang orang yang paling berpengaruh di dunia ini. Banyak orang yang membenci, mencintai dan punya perasaan lain terhadap mereka. Fitnah dan tuduhan lainnya kerap dilancakan untuk mengguncang mereka. banyak juga yang dilakukan dengan melalui internet. Bill Gates orang ini paling sering dikaitkan dengan setan dan penguasaan dunia, melalui Microsoft tentunya. Coba lihat ini Hehehe, dia dikatakan sebagai the Anti-Christ, has the number of the beast dan sebagainya, tentunya dengan riset penentuan penomoran nama tertentu sebagai buktinya. Hehehe amusing. Is he the anti-christ? I wonder. Alamat ini aku dapat ketika iseng nulis di google trus nulis Bill Gates satan dan menekan button I'm Feeling Lucky. Try some other names, maybe yours too. How about this conversation with satan Funny Bill Clinton orang ini juga pernah menjadi orang yang ditakuti dunia ketika menjadi presiden Amerika, juga menerima hujatan dan pujian dari orang yang berbeda beda. Seperti entry diatas aku masukin Bill clinton satan and this is the outcome So Bill Clinton is also the anti-christ, so which one is right? hehehe confusing huh cause it also have proof here So it's getting interesting and thought why not try the reigning power sekarang. George Bush I repeated the same step above, dasar iseng ya. And look what I found, another anti-christ hehehe so many of them huh, padahal mestinya khan cuma satu orang iya nggak. Eh coba ini deh George bush, jesus walah ternyata dia membuat suatu hari untuk mengenang Yesus. Should he do this? Tony Blair Well they also consider this guy as the Satan. Soeharto Soeharto setan juga nggak ya. Menurutmu? ---------------------- Hehehe semua tulisan yang ada dilink tadi itu nggak atas tanggung jawabku lho, jangan ada yang menuntut diriku hehe. Tapi udah pernah coba ini nggak Hendra setan trus klik I'm Feeling Lucky. What do you get? hehehe Have fun ya - What do you think - |W|P|108692553032534029|W|P|Iseng banget|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/10/2004 02:54:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Here's what I find today in googlism.com. It's what google finds out about my name. Googlism.com will find out what Google.com thinks of you, your friends or anything! Search for your name here or for a good laugh. It's funny. Try it
hendra is now a country guest house offering bed and breakfast accommodation in cornwall close to the eden project hendra is conveniently situated close to golf parkland and link courses hendra is not highly contagious hendra is a national of canada hendra is also the undp resident representative in tanzania hendra is ideally situated close to the town and its picturesque harbour hendra is short for hindrance and bliss for ignorance is hendra is the school for you hendra is located on the north side of brisbane hendra is located 6 kilometres northeast of the brisbane cbd and borders the gateway motorway hendra is known as a person who does not care much about much hendra is a well proportioned single storey dwelling with open plan living area and a french door leading to the gardens and patio hendra is one of the paramyxoviruses that are rna viruses hendra is a virus carried by fruit bats; it killed a horse trainer and 14 horses in australia in 1994 and 1995 hendra is thought to have been passed from horses to humans through close physical contact but its passage from bats to horses is less well understood hendra is less than 1km from where the nests were found hendra is more pathogenic hendra is itself employing a school hendra is president of the flagship office of ogilvyone worldwide with accounts including american express hendra is well situated to explore west cornwall and ideal for walkers hendra is 58 and evans is 62 hendra is captured and hendra is the un development programme hendra is one supercalm guy (really???) hendra is the united nations resident co hendra is an enveloped virus which makes it relatively easy to inactivate hendra is currently a senior software developer for websphere commerce suite in the ibm toronto lab hendra is believed to enter a dormant phase a year before erupting in its virulent form hendra is editor of national lampoon and author of the ny times best seller brotherhood hendra is an actor hendra is the assistant administrator of human resources at marquette general health system hendra is within the hamilton ward hendra is obviously hoping to outscore their opponents with the likes of indoor sensation nick zamora hendra is baffled by the persecution of falun gong in china hendra is considered to be one of the best and most versatile painters of indonesia hendra is a board member of commercenet hendra is a foreign legal consultant in the singapore office of latham & watkins hendra is totally different to hendra is >totally different hendra is best remembered for his work with "the national lampoon" in its salad days back in the 1970s hendra is may class hendra is familiar to be called ciwei hendra is married to jenise and there was another woman (am I???another woman wow.hehe) hendra is the assistant administrator of human resources at mgh hendra is part of our scouting community here in milpitas hendra is suffering from kidney cancer which was declared hendra is the inner square closer or are you looking down on this box or farther away? hendra is now trying to get something hendra is a writer and actor who is best known for hendra is ideally situated only 2 miles from newquay hendra is spread by fruit bats hendra is a traditional farmhouse originally owned by the duchy of cornwall hendra is a writer hendra is a holiday park that caters for families and couples with everything needed for a fabulous holiday hendra is ruled out with a hamstring strain hendra is not for techies who love jargon hendra is not part of that team hendra is one called nipah hendra is brilliant as the band's put upon manager and a young fran drescher shows up as a record label executive while dana carvey and billy crystal have hendra is currently being tried in absentia by the central jakarta district court for allegedly misusing over rp 305 billion and us$2 hendra is zwaar verkouden en ik denk dat ze me aangestoken heeft hendra is a village in cornwall hendra is second only to moridia itself hendra is our new addition to the keynote speakers hendra is doing; some other links on hendra is 1¼ miles before newquay town centre hendra is the hub around which the brisbane thoroughbred racing industry revolves with most of the leading trainers stabling their horses in the suburb which hendra is looking confused and upset; he’sa nice lad and his crime was one of ignorance rather than indifference hendra is considered a bsl hendra is one fine piece of ass hendra is a suburb that has a lot of horse stables and training yards as it's close by eagle farm where the horse racing is held hendra is very well represented on the internet? hendra is responsible for leading clio’s software development teams hendra is at the moment a fugitive from justice hendra is ook bestuurslid van overkoepelende e hendra is that you ?? (yes, it's me) hendra is so high hendra is a business hendra is carried by fruit bats
Here's an entry for Sembiring, my family name:
sembiring is also from the island of sumatra and made the journey to irian jaya in search of new and interesting adventures sembiring is a friend of syafei within the pdip as well as a former commander of the irian jaya sembiring is currently head of the army education and training command sembiring is right sembiring is believed to have been released on 15 august and dr tjiptaning at 3pm on 17 august sembiring is the jakarta
And here's for Karo, my ethnicity(tribe):
karo is more confident now karo is a female from israel born on 20/10/1981 karo is more confident now karo thakur of laxminiya vdc karo is a corn syrup available in a water karo is a romantic concoction directed by the son of veteran lyricist majrooh sultanpuri and written by the talented rajkumar santoshi karo is an excellent buy karo is working on karo is a brazilian language spoken in the amazon region karo is an experimental distributed catalogue of polish libraries based on the z39 karo is no longer fighting in las vegas grappling tournament because the matchmaker said karo was 5lb overweight karo is in los angeles pitching his screenplay of ruminations to television executives karo is present in many european countries karo is a closed circulating system; something like the cooling system in an automobile motor karo is a great great great grandson of aust ch karo is about 10 months here and kimba is about 6 months karo is raat kee baate chhalakane do ye paimaane karo is kadar jald karo is a restriction of the full karo framework that is outlined below karo is sound wrt all karo karo is used mostly for prayer and learning today karo is a circulating system karo is transporting the heat with water karo is judged in the trench karo is witty karo is a romantic film which is being directed by andalib karo is necessary to keep them from becoming constipated karo is a tedious replay of hum aapke dil main rahte hain karo is the chief personal retainer to the clan master karo is pure corn syrup made with real vanilla to ensure the best quality karo is not specifically intended for infant feeding karo is unique karo is not very large karo is studying to be a professional musician; she just changed from classical music to pop karo is the energetic karo is delighted with the sales success and says that the kodin kuvalehti magazine has always been a pleasure to sell karo is a large beautiful deep black and red male with excellent temperment karo is a brand name karo is currently developing a screenplay based on his popular college e karo is frost karo is paagal ko tum se na sharaarat kar baithe naadaan kii niiyat thiik nahii karo is corn syrup karo is on interactive show about karo is a mind reader karo is on his way karo is in moscow karo is preferred karo is a black man and kari is a black woman; black in the sense that they are considered morally corrupt karo is shahar me karo is karo is the 46 karo is one of a lot of ethnics in north sumatra karo is a professional you can trust by viewing the member profile below karo is eh schon ganz gschodat weil is die ganze zeit fotografier und der blitz karo is voi im schokodelirium karo is known to be a production center for horticultural crops karo is an outstanding business partner karo is a well karo is mijn tweede diensthond karo is characterised as innovative and a leading company in office technology in russia karo is an associate in the tallahassee office of tew cardenas rebak kellogg lehman demaria tague raymond & levine karo is available in four colors karo is the only person allowed to be in the war room with the map as well as in the battle room to see the battles in progress karo is a multi karo is one of bataknese karo is in het noordhollandse een bedrijf met een gevestigde naam op het gebied van tuinbouwtoelevering karo is an acronym for 'known and recorded origin' karo is an indusrial center just inland along the southern coast of the northern continent of mares ii karo is the primary basis for the advocates of the heter mechira karo is not doing that great a business in all circuits karo is so sickening sweet that that was the only way i could get it into him karo is a putz arjako son karo is best known as the author of the shulchan aruch karo is a brand name for light and dark corn syrup karo is the brand name karo is ch karo is commercial software from a swedish company pronyx ab and from summer 1999 it is used for supervising the operational hirlam operations karo is of basque origin" karo is out b/c the rest star both srk and salman and jsk only has salman go to top of page karo is a senior at the university of pennsylvania and has been recording the hilarious details of his college life since the first day of
Well did you try it out? What did your name turn out to mean? - What do you think - |W|P|108685445788435000|W|P|Hendra in Googlism|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/09/2004 09:10:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Not yesterday's load we are called on to bear, Nor the morrow's uncertain and shadowy care; Why should we look forward or backwith dismay? Our needs, as our mercies, are but for the day. One day at a time, and the day is His day; He hath numbered its hours, though they haste or delay. His grace is sufficient; we walk not alone; As the day, so the strength that He giveth His own.
Well thanks for everyone...I am feeling much better now, and my relationship is getting better each day. Thank God for the gift of communication that He allows between the two of us to solve all the problems. Thanks Father. Teach us to take each step one day at a time.
Yesss, at last the lakers is at it again. They beat the Pistons with 99 to 91. This has once again shows the world the dominating power of the Lakers. Thanks to Shaquille o'Neal and of course the one and only Kobe Bryant (my fave). Did you also know that now the game can be followed live by blog. hehehe yup, some NBA fans and commentators are putting up some new blogs so the people that can't see it live can still know what's happening with a little delay.. hehehe that's technology for you. Cause they updated it like once every few minutes even seconds sometimes. Coolness. here it is Here are some of the other NBA blogs in case you are an NBA fan that likes to read about these basketball stuffs. The first is the names of blogger, media affiliates, time of posts, and their blog title and address. Have fun. Bernie Bickerstaff General Manager & Head Coach, Charlotte Bobcats 1:59 pm on 6/8 My Kind of Town Victor Williams Actor, King of Queens 7:47 pm on 6/6 Lessons Learned. George Eddy Commentator, Canal + France 5:40 pm on 6/4 The Mailman is the Glue Simone Sandri Co-Host of Basketball International 5:07 pm on 6/4 Dumars does it right John Nash and Maurice Cheeks Portland Trail Blazers General Manager and Head Coach 2:54 pm on 6/4 Planning for the Draft Ruth Riley Center, Detroit Shock 12:31 pm on 6/3 Basketball and Patriotism Yaron Talpaz Commentator & Reporter, Sport 5 Channel, Israel 8:04 am on 6/3 The Pistons are worthy Jaleel White Writer, Actor, Producer 4:27 am on 6/3 Both Teams Played Hard Destination Finals 2004 NBA Legends Tour 9:26 am on 5/29 Pacers-Pistons: The Ultimate Playoff Chess Match Joaquin Henson Journalist/Broadcaster, Philippines 11:54 pm on 5/27 Jordan in Tokyo Doc Rivers Analyst, ABC Sports 2:17 pm on 5/20 In the Blink of an Eye Rebecca Lobo NBA TV Commentator 2:11 pm on 5/20 Talking Season Preview Tim Kiely Senior Producer, Inside the NBA 4:18 pm on 5/13 Inside Inside the NBA Rafael Alique Director, Marca.com 8:50 pm on 4/19 And the winner is... Benito Martinez Actor, The Shield 6:54 pm on 3/22 Surprise, surprise! Jay Williams NBA Guard 9:17 am on 3/20 Chipping Away at the Stone - What do you think - |W|P|108674789464339733|W|P|One Day At a Time|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/07/2004 10:03:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Tadi malam dia cerita tentang suatu dark secretnya yang selama ini disimpannya dari aku dari sekian banyak dark secret lainnya. Sepanjang hari kemarin sebenarnya dia udah merasa gak enak perasaannya karena masih ada dark secret yang belum dia bereskan dengan Tuhan. Ada suatu ds yang dia bilang udah sering banget dia lakukan dari tahun ke tahun. Tapi katanya dibilang sering ya ga’ tapi juga dibilang ga ya pernah juga sih. Jadi bingung sudah seberapa jauh sih? Apa sih secara jelas ds nya itu? Dia ga cerita karena katanya itu gak layak untuk diceritakan pada orang lain karena sangat personal dan cukup dia dan Tuhan yang tahu persisnya. Menurut dia, dia itu udah kotor banget tubuhnya, udah nyia nyiain kelebihan yang diberikan Tuhan padanya dengan hal yang ga’ bermutu. Katanya dia punya suatu “kelainan” yang aneh yang sudah dirasakannya sejak kelas 2 SD dan memicunya untuk melakukan hal hal yang “mengerikan dan kotor”. Tapia pa persisnya dan seberapa jauh, dia ga mau cerita. Aku menghargai keputusan itu. Kemarin sih aku minjamin dia digicam karena dia perlu untuk foto tugasnya tapi trus tadi itu dia jadi aneh dan mungkin ada hubungannya ama digicam itu, mungkin aku ga akan cerita disini. Aku jadi bingung karena dia nangis nangis sejadi jadinya dan dia bilang kalo dia itu udah kotoe banget dan sangat banyak yang belom dia selesaiin ama Tuhan. Dia juga nganggap kalo habis dia cerita kayak gitu aku juga akan berpikiran merendahkan bahkan melecehkan dia. Sekarang dia bilang "terserah kamu mo pikir apa tentang aku, aku udah siap koq". Katanya dia udah siap untuk dicemooh, dimaki dan diperlakukan kurang baik. Aku bingung karena aku ga tau harus bagaimana. Dalam hatiku, aku ga' terlalu mikirin itu sebagai hal yang terlalu luar biasa, alias reaksiku biasa biasa saja. Nggak ada yang sedang muter muter di kepalaku setelah dia bilang itu, cuma kaget aja sih. Hanya yang menjadi pertanyaan sudah separah apa, gitu kali ya dan seberapa seringnya? Tapi itu juga karena curiosity aja dan bukan karena aku marah dan mau merendahkan dia. Ya sekedar mau tahu aja deh, tapi rasanya itu gak akan terlalu ngaruh ke sikap aku ama dia. Tapi setelah dia bilang berulang ulang aku jadi tambah bingung. Aku jadi mikir apa emang aku harus tanggapi berbeda dari apa yang sedang aku lakukan. Apakah mungkin aku harus marah terus sebel ama dia, trus ninggalin dia. Inikah kira kira apa yang akan dirasakan cowok lain terhadap cewe seperti dia? Tapi kok Tuhan ga naruh rasa yang seperti itu di hatiku ya? Justru rasa iba yang aku rasakan. Perasaan senasib sebenarnya karena deep in my heart aku juga berfikir apakah aku juga nggak mirip itu? Aku juga gak bersih dari dark secret yang udah pernah aku lakukan? Rasanya kok nggak ya. Sehingga aku jadi merasa senasib waktu dia cerita gini, tapi dikiranya aku marah besar. Memang aku ga banyak bicara setelah itu hanya menenangkan dia yan terus nangis, sambil bingung dalam hati....apa yang harus aku lakukan....Rasanya aku nggak bisa benci dia, padahal hal ini semestinya bukan hal yang biasa saja. Apakah aku sebenarnya ilfeel alias nggak mo ngurus ato sebenarnya aku sedang menjadi seorang yang pengertian dan bersikap dewasa karena semua orang juga bisa salah dan mungkin telah melakukan suatu hal dalam hidupnya yang mengecewakan dirinya sendiri dan juga mungkin Tuhan. Apakah aku sebenarnya sangat mencintainya atau itu semua hanyalah omong kosong belaka. Aku kok sangat percaya kalo aku itu sangat mencintainya, tapi kok rasanya ku kok cuek ama hal kayak gini. Aku jadi bingung bukankah aku harusnya marah besar? Kalian ngerti nggak sih apa yang sedang aku hadapi dan apa yang seharusnya aku lakukan? Ada ga yang pernah ngalamin kayak aku ini. Dia juga bilang kalo ini adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak dsnya yang masih tersimpan rapi itu, yang dia nggak bisa ceritakan ama aku ato siapapun, but maybe one day... katanya. Tapi aku jadi bingung menerka nerka apa saja dsnya itu? Membahayakankah itu untuknya...ato juga untukku? Perlukah aku mengetahuinya dengan jelas? Bagaimana juga seharusnya aku harus menyikapinya? Bingung nih..... Ada yang mau mbantu diriku ini? -Yang sedang bingung- - What do you think - |W|P|108657749188152507|W|P|-Yang sedang bingung-|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/04/2004 01:19:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Air adalah sesuatu yang nggak asing lagi buat manusia. Bayangkan sekitar lebih dari 63% dari tubuh kita ini ternyata terdiri atas air. Air itu begitu pentingnya buat manusia setiap hari. Manusia harus minum air, mandi dengan air, mencuci dengan air bahkan buang air(?) hehehe. Begitu pentingnya sampai mungkin kalau kita tidak menyentuh air mungkin dalam sehari aja kita bisa dehidrasi bahkan harus say ciaow ama dunia ini. Tapi ternyata air itu punya karakteristik yang unik. Air itu sifatnya merendah. Sejak SD mungkin kita udah tahu kalau air itu mengalir dari tempat yang tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah. Sifat yang sangat humble banget. Dia nggak akan mau bertahan lama lama pada kedudukan di atas sono. Dia lebih senang mengalir ke bawah dan menjadi a nobody but useful to everybody. Air itu gak pernah melihat perbedaan. Apakah kamu air merah, air agak coklat atau air yang bau, item, menjijikkan, tapi dia akan dengan senang hati berbaur menjadi satu bahkan menjadikan dirinya sendiri bau bahkan menjijikkan apabila itu diperlukan. Air itu selalu bermasyarakat. Begitu satu drop air masuk ke air yang besar dia nggak mau menjadi yang menonjol sendiri. Dia mengalir dimulai dari atas yang beberapa gelintir air kemudian menuju ke bawah dan menemui air lainnya dan membentuk suatu badan air yang lebih besar bahkan bisa menjadi suatu lautan yang begitu dahsyat dan dalam. Lautan yang mencekam dan dapat mengkaramkan kapal Titanic sekalipun. Akan tetapi bila dia diangkat keatas kembali dan dijatuhkan kembali ke bumi, maka ia tidak akan sombong dan mengatakan bahwa ia telah mengaramkan kapal pesiar terbesar di dunia itu, bahkan dia akan merendah kembali dan tetap menjadi dirinya yang tidak menonjol itu.
Pernah nggak mandi di bawah shower, uh rasanya begitu enak seakan kepala dipijat dengan air yang meluncur dari atas ke bawah. Enak tenan. Tapi karena itu hanya berlangsung beberapa menit saja. Aku pernah mendengar suatu siksaan yang dilakukan dengan air. Ada seorang tahanan (nggak tahu persisnya sih ceritanya) tapi akhirnya dia dihukum dengan cara kepalanya dijatuhin air setetes demi setetes tapi nggak berhenti. Bisa bayangin nggak, awalnya sih ga terasa tapi lama lama bisa pecah tuh kepala, dan orangnya emang jadi gila. Memang air tuh dahsyat benar. Pernah tahu Grand Canyon di Amerika, itu juga dibentuk sedikit demi sedikit oleh kedahsyatan air yang ribuan tahun telah menyapunya hingga menyisakan keindahan yang tak ada taranya, tapi air gak pernah menyombongkan dirinya akan seluruh hasil karyanya. Air itu ketika diteguk dapat menghilangkan kepenatan dan memberikan kesegaran baru terhadap si penikmat. Ketika panas matahari menyengat, obat yang paling menyegarkan adalah air, entah diminum ato untuk berendam.hehehe. Bisa nggak ya gue jadi seperti air yang begitu banyak memberi kegunaan bagi manusia lain, nggak menjadi sombong akan achievement yang gue udah dapatkan, masih mau berbaur bahkan memikirkan kepentingan orang lain, gak mau menonjolkan diri dan menjadi yang terhebat diantara banyak orang. I'd like to be. Do you? - What do you think - |W|P|108633079616057488|W|P|Water|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/02/2004 10:09:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
I once had a serious and urgent urge to pray. At that time there were just so much burden on my shoulder that I just couldn't handle anymore. I began to pray but had many problems of the place to pray in. There was just no place for me to pray in quiet at my place now, because it is as the Indonesian know it as a kost place that is I rented a room with my brother. Yup just a room, very small and also have many more people living there who sometimes just don't understand these needs. So I made myself a little getaway place at my office cause I thought this will be the place where I will spend my time longest throughout the day. So I made myself a table in the corner and decorated the wall as shown in the picture. There I put all the stuff that I wanted to pray for like the election in Indonesia, also the Sunday School where I ministered in, my life, my family and close ones, the world all have their own corner where I can stick some post-it stamps that I've already written my prayer in. It was kinda nice to have a little getaway for myself. Hahahaha Sometimes I would come to the office so early when nobody has come and pray and have my quiet time here. So quiet and comforting, with some gospel music coming out of my computer, feels like heaven. Talking to my Father about something and nothing feels so good. But there are times when I'm not so in the mood for praying. There are times when my mind is so full and I just don't have what it takes to pray. When all the worries have overcome me, when I was at my weakest point sometimes I forgot to pray. But I don't know how, but somehow my Father just keeps on calling for me. Sometimes I am stubborn and don't want to come, but He didn't force me to, but He's still there and I can feel that He was never away, not for one second. I was ashamed, for many times. But at other times all the troubles that is happening to me made me come to my Prayer Corner and just prayed my hearts out, sometimes even drop a tear. But my comforting father knows exactly what I need and He does all His stuff in His time. I know that sometimes I just couldn't wait for Him to act on my case. I want it all to be fast and instant, just like I am. I like everything to e fast and instant, don't like to wait too long for something. I'm not a very patient person I think. Tommorow is Waisak for Buddhist and it's supposed to be a national holiday, but at my office they moved the holiday to saturday, so tommorow we still have to work and Saturday will be off. Ohhh bummer. I already had plans for tommorrow but I guess it has to wait. I was thinking of moving to another place because the place I'm living at the moment is getting unfriendlier by the day. many things that is supposed to be my priviledge that they cut. So I was thinking of moving out, but I guess that it needs some time to find the best place and still affordable. Coz I don't make too much and I'm planning on saving for "my future" if you know what I mean. Ah well I guess I have to make another arrangement of my time so that I have time to find the best place to live in. - What do you think - |W|P|108614946406006037|W|P|My Little Prayer Corner|W|P|hendra@gmail.com6/01/2004 09:29:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Well, don't you feel that sometimes you don't know yourself until you actually answered some stupid questionaires and thought," Really? Am I like that?" and refreshes your memory about who you are. Well here's to me and my life BASICS 001.Name: Hendra Syahputra Sembiring DePariez (Babang) 002.D.O.B.: twentyseventhofapril in Medan 003.Location: Surabaya, Indonesia 004.Religion: Christian 005.Occupation: drawing, and designing shoes 006.Ethnicity: Karonese as in Batak Karo APPEARANCE 001.Hair: always short and curly cause I cut it once every two or three weeks, but I had a long hair once (whu@3$%*9) 002.Eyes: dark brown 003.Height: I think I'm somewhere around 173 - 175 cm. Is that short or tall 004.Skin: Zebra (Dark in some places esp. hand and light in most places esp. *censored*) STYLE 001.Clothing: would rather use baggy clothes and pants, but tight jeans is OK with tees is the most comfy clothes (except officedays) 002.Music: R&B, rap, gospel, soul, jazz, pop 003.Make-up: I don't think so 004.Body art: Tatoos of a naked girl in my back and ten piercings in my ears with two more in my tounge and lips and gotcha for believing that. Nah..no body arts RIGHT NOW 001.Wearing: shirt and jeans to work 002.Listening to: radio from the other room, my friend in front of me screaming 003.Thinking of: what it would be like if I could just sleep the whole day off. :) LAST THING YOU... 001.Bought: a nice simple breakfast 002.Ate and drank: tea and water on my desk 003.Read: writings on my computer 004.Watched on TV: The Three Musketeer >>old movie but nice EITHER / OR 001.Club or houseparty: club 002.Tea or coffee: coffee err.. tea er.. both really 003.Achiever or slacker: I achieve the title of a slacker hahaha 004.Beer or cider: neither but maybe a little bit beer 005.Drinks or shots: drinks 006.Cats or dogs: both 007.Single or taken: single but in a relationship 008.Pen or pencil: pencils definitely to draw with :<) 009.Gloves or mittens: c'mon I'm living in a tropical country don't need neither 010.Food or candy: food of course 011.Cassette or cd: CDs! 012.Coke or Pepsi: coke 013.Hard or mild alcohol: uhmmmm....don't drink 014.Matches or a lighter: lighters are much cooler 015.Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: soaps yux 016.Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey: Definately Oprah, she's the best WHO DO YOU WANT TO... 001.Kill: you hehehe yeah really I'm a cold blooded killer :P 002.Hear from: old friends that have been scatered all over the world...miss you guys 003.Get really wasted with: don't wanna get wasted, I had and the feeling wasn't anywhere near good 004.Look like: Me hehehehe 005.Be like: Mike 006.Avoid: my boss hahahaha no noone don't like to avoid anyone. Coz I'm friendly :P LAST PERSON YOU... AND WHEN? 001.Touched: her last night 002.Talked to: a colleague about work just now 003.Hugged: her last night 004.Instant messaged: My brother last night 005.Kissed: hahaha.hahahahaha. who else 006.Who broke your heart: also her WHERE DO YOU... 001.Eat: anywhere don't care 002.Dance: above the floor 003.Cry: Cry??? Uhm they're for babies right 004.Wish you were: right now, i want to go to Europe and US HAVE YOU EVER... 001.Dated one of your best friends? yup 002.Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? yup.but not out loud just pain in the heart 003.Drank alcohol? yes but not much 004.Done drugs: Never I'm clean check me out 005.Broken the law: yea, i think so, lots of times 006.Ran away from home: no 007.Broken a bone: too many times 008.Cheated on a test: yes but I'm still ashamed that I did 009.Skinny dipped: Yes but when I was just a kid in a river lots of times 010.Played truth or dare: of course, it's challenging 011.Flashed someone: hahah. no. 012.Mooned someone: n0. ehhh. do you really wanna know 013.Kissed someone you didn't know: No 014.Been on a talk/game show: nah 015.Been in a fight: Too many times 016.Ridden in a fire truck: That'll be cool but haven't ridden in one but I got in one before 017.Been on a plane: yeah 018.Come close to dying: Yup, once my bus jumped off a cliff 019.Cheated on your boy/girlfriend: nope 020.Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride: yeah, it's my fave 021.Eaten a worm/mud pie? er...should I 022.Swam in the ocean: beach actually 023.Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up: Don't have them WHAT IS... 001.The most embarrassing CD in your collection? um, britney spears haha that's a laugh 002.Your bedroom like? never far from the captain's mess hheeee very messy, typical boys room 003.Your favorite thing for breakfast? tuna sandwich and a hot chocolate milk 004.Your favorite thing for lunch? rice with anything 005.Your favorite thing for dinner? anything 006.Your favorite Restaurant? Lots ARE YOU... 001.A Vegetarian?: ha... don't make me laugh... 002.A Good Student?: who wants to know 003.Good At Sports?: Yup, my favourite subject at school 004.wakeboarding/snowboarding: i'd love to try snowboarding. 005.A Good Singer?: so people say 006.A good Actor/Actress?: I could be one day :P 007.A deep sleeper?: never 008.A Good Dancer?: I can dance but good? 009.Shy?: shameful to be exact 010.Outgoing?: yes 011.A good storyteller?: when I'm in the mood 012.Last words?: Wanna know more? hehe that's for me to know and for you to find out Anyway, just enjoy yourself and just be yourself and have a nice day. Ciaow here's an acronym of my name:

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com - What do you think - |W|P|108605998634456841|W|P|Me, Myself and I|W|P|hendra@gmail.com