7/29/2004 04:29:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Hi all, well are we waiting for the new layout to come out. Well hehehe so am I. I spent quite a lot of time here. Maybe next week, I will launch it, coz this week I'm planning to finish it up. The title will be Graffity - Funkier v02 . hehehe why funkier, coz I am funky hahaha. This layout shows a little bit of my character. I am a guy who pretty much like art, but not an artist of some sort. I like to draw, design, sing, etcetera. I used to like to graffity trains when I was still "young" back in Sydney. Well that was my past. But sometimes I still like to recall those memories coz they were good memories. I also like basketball, which in this new layout will feature some of my favourite NBA players such as T-Mac, Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, Shaquille O'Neal (fav), Kobe Bryant (fav), and Vince Carter but of course not in the real version but carricature version. hehehe The colour combinations will be using much of the green hue. Why green? maybe coz it's just much more cooler on the eyes, but not as dull and boring as the grey colour. Apart from that big banner and colour, not many change will be made. I don't know, I might change my mind though this week. So if the you would like to "protest" on anything on this page that you might like to make a suggestion, you may email me anytime or just plainly leave a message on the comment box. - What do you think - |W|P|109109420113684058|W|P|The new layout|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/26/2004 11:38:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Yo what's up guys... I am kinda busy building up a new layout for this blog and making the validations. Cause all these times I have never made a validated html or css template. You know how it is. I have never learned how to play around with HTML codes and I don't know which is right and what is incorrect. So I have looked up to some web pages that might help me with the validations and telling me what is wrong with my coding and how I should fix it. So for a time being, I might be kinda busy doing these things besides working of course. Wakakaka. I have always wanted a validated css and HTML page. Why you asked? When it is validated, I know that those people out there can see my work and say,"yeah, that's a correct way of doing it". Hahahaha maybe I just needed that approval. Maybe I just wanna know what is correct and what isn't. I know for a fact that people can still see my blog the "right" way as I wanted them to see it. But of course, maybe if you are using Mozilla or Opera or Netscape I don't know if it turned out allright, but at least when you are using IE5 and IE6 I know that it's good enough. But then again not everyone uses them. But then that's another story. I am really dumb at these HTML, XHTML, CSS and all those other mambojumbo. I really would like to learn the correct way of using these languages. I have only known them for about 3-4 months, and I would really like to know them a little bit more. When I see people making all these cool pages and everything, there's a "thing" inside me that says,"why can't you do something like that, maybe better". I read all their writings and infos about them and found out that some of these people are really much younger than me. You see, people who are younger than me are able to make up such a nice layout, but as for me I can't do stuff like that, and I would really like to. I guess that's why I wanna learn more about these things. It has been my dream for quite some time to be able to be a web designer. Well actually I like to design things, from architecture, furnitures, interior designs, and of course shoes evenweb pages. It so challenging to be able to do these things, but I don't know how to. If anyone out there are nice enough to help me please do. The page I'm working on is not something that maybe all of you think is great. Maybe if you see it later when I launched it, you would just smile to yourself and say "Hahaha he's wasted all those time and the result is this. What a waste of time". Well I know that I am just a beginner and don't know all the tips and tricks to make this and that. i don't know what to write in the HTML to make something like what I really wanted to, but his is the start, I guess. hehehe So it doesn't matter what others would think, I'm gonna learn it no matter how long it'll take me. There is a blog template competition if you are really interested in making nice templates. You can check the information here. The theme that you should use is FAMILY, that is anything that you think that represents "family" in your mind. From a mother and child hugging to a couple of doves caressing or maybe even a flower that reminds you of your family. Anything goes. So be sure to read this info OK. - What do you think - |W|P|109081885196358501|W|P|Learning|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/24/2004 10:44:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Wah susah nih... LAN connection ke computerku lagi down neh, jadinya gak bisa internetan dari kompiku. Wahhhhh jadi gak bebas untuk blogwalking anywhere, coz if I wanted to use the internet I have to go to someone else's computer. Kesel ga sih.... Katanya sih ethernet card or something like that yang lagi rusak. Hmmmm... rasanya harus curi curi nih hehehe klo orang lagi "not on his desk" maka diriku akan menyerbu kompinya. wah desperate benar ya gue. Mana di kompi lainnya ga ada yang namanya YahooMessenger. Wah jadi sepi nih hidup ini "winkwink". Beginilah susahnya when someone is getting addicted to the internet. Oh yeah. Woi BTW buat orang orang Surabaya yang baca ini. Eh jadinya kita beneran kopdaran nih rek.Horray... Bagi yang mau ikut dan harus ikut maka ikutlah. hehehehe dasar stress. Info Kopdarannya:
Hari: Sabtu, 31st July 2004 Waktu : sekitar pukul 15.30 an (boleh lebih pagi, tapi jangan telat hehehe) Tempat : Monkasel (Monumen Kapal Selam) Acara : menyelam bersama di kalimas eh nggak ding hehehe (cangkruk dll choy) TOP deh.
- What do you think - |W|P|109064171781104362|W|P|Internet Connection Off|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/20/2004 09:51:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|
Kring...Kring... "Hello" "Bapak ya, eh selamat ulang tahun ya Pak. Yang ke-55 ya pak. hehehe. Tadi pagi aku nelpon ke Medan tapi kalian ga ada di rumah." "Iya nih, habis jalan jalan ke Berastagi, nginep disana, ini malam baru pulang jam delapan tadi" "Wah liburan dalam rangka ultah ya pak." "Hhehehe, iyalah kapan lagi dinikmati ulang tahun kalau enggak sekarang ini." "Siapa aja yang pergi pak?" "Ya hanya kami berempat yang tinggal disini, aku, ibumu, John sama Sydney." "Wah enak ya bisa jalan jalan sama sama. Kami yang di Surabaya ini udah lama nggak jalan jalan nih" "Aku mau pergi juga ini ke USA sabtu depan." "HAH sabtu depan? Ngapain Pak? Kekota mana?" "Iya aku mau ke Auburn. Ya nggak ngapa ngapain sih. Ini khan ada event untuk peningkatan SDM di USU jadi ada program studi bandinglah ke beberapa negara. nah, bapak mengajukan untuk ke Auburn ini." "Oh...jadi bukan biaya sendiri nih pak? Ditanggung USU ya?" "Ndra..ndra, kalo biaya sendiri kau khan tau aku nggak akan mampu untuk sekedar jalan jalan kesana, berapalah gajiku dibayar USU, walaupun aku udah proffessor tapi gak seberapalah yang dibayarkan USU, Inilah kalau jadi dosen negeri ga ada duitnya." "Asyik dong dibayarin lagi...hehehe. Trus disana ngapain aja pak?" "Ya adalah study dikit dikit, tapi kalo udah tua kayak aku ini paling ya hanya bisa transfer ke yang lebih muda nantinya." "ya tapi khan enak sekalian jalan jalan disana" "ya itulah selalu kuasa Tuhan itu untuk kita, ada aja selalu jalan yang dikasihNya, walo sebenarnya kita sendiri nggak mampu."
Emang bapak selalu mengandalkan Tuhan dalam hidupnya. Aku senang punya bapak seperti ini. Walaupun aku nggak terlalu dekat ama bapakku secara emosional,tapi banyak hal positif yang aku bisa petik dari kehidupannya.   Sebenarnya menurutnya, dia dulu adalah salah satu murid yang paliing nggak bisa pelajaran Kimia, tapi justru karena nggak bisa itu dia jadi giat belajar dan akhirnya malah jadi dosen Kimia, Anorganik lagi (inorganic chemistry). Berawal dari sekedar asisten dosen sewaktu dia masih kuliah dan akhirnya berlanjut menjadi dosen yang dibayar sangat kecil.   Akhirnya dia mulai mencoba bersaing dengan rekan lainnya untuk sekolah ke LN. Orang lain semua pake backing dan per"konco"an, tapi bapak mengandalkan Tuhan saja tanpa sedikitpun mau menyogok. Semua orang menertawakan dia dan bilang gak zamannya untuk sok melawan arus. tapi karena kami semua mendukung dia untuk tidak menyogok akhirnya...miracle happens. dari beberapa orang yang lolos seleksi terakhir emang hanya dia yang nggak nyogok, tapi ternyata HANYA dia yang tembus hahahah yang lainnya itu udah duitnya hilang trus gak tembus lagi. God is good. Akhirnya dia bisa pergi dan ambil master degreenya di Ohio University, USA.   Setelah itu Tuhan masih kasih kesempatan lagi dia untuk sekolah doctoral degree di University of New South Wales, Sydney, juga dengan perjuangan yang nggak gampang dan akhirnya dengan bantuan Tuhan yang nyata semuanya berjalan lancar. Malahan kami sekeluarga akhirnya walaupun harus meminjam duit pada awalnya dapat juga menyusul dia disana dan hidup dibiayai pemerintah Australia. Apa lagi namanya kalau bukan hidup di dalam karunia Tuhan. Tuhan emang selalu menyediakan pertolongan sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak anakNya tepat pada waktuNya.   God has been good in my father's life and I'm thankful that I also can see God through his life and I can see clearly how He works in my father's life. Amazing grace.      - What do you think - |W|P|109029517700519061|W|P|Bapak|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/17/2004 09:25:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Has anyone checked out the latest Blogger New Post Editor Does:
  • fonts (fonts)
  • text sizes
  • bold
  • italic
  • text colors
  • easy hyperlink
  • align left, center, right
  • justify text
  • ordered lists (1,2,3...)
  • unordered lists (as seen here)
  • blockquote
  • undo (ctrl + z)
  • upload image (only if you are publishing via FTP (Blog*Spot Plus or external hosting)
  • spell check
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • and more
Doesn't it just make you wanna keep posting with these cool features added. Hmmm......What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG). But why isn't it also available from the BlogThis feature? maybe soon. - What do you think - |W|P|109003186806672794|W|P|Blogger New Post Editor|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/16/2004 10:30:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P| Kegiatan paling menarik bagi para jomblo iseng adalah browsing profile di friendster; kali2 aja nemu yang oke. Tapi hati-hati! Jangan sampe salah kenalan, bisa2 cewe funky yang tampil menggemaskan di friendster ternyata seorang EMAK-EMAK di kehidupan nyata, atau lebih parahnya lagi: LAKI! Untuk membantu para jomblo yang lagi desperate agar tidak terjerumus ke lembah hina, mungkin panduan berikut bisa sedikit membantu. **MAKNA DI BALIK FOTO DI FRIENDSTER** FOTO BARENG PASANGAN = "Dilarang ngajak kenalan, kecuali kalo merasa diri lebih keren dari yang ini." FOTO BARENG PASANGAN DI LUAR NEGRI = "Dilarang ngajak kenalan, kecuali kalo merasa diri lebih keren DAN lebih mapan dari yang ini." FOTO BARENG PASANGAN DAN ANAK DI LUAR NEGRI = "Dilarang ngajak kenalan, kecuali kalo merasa diri lebih keren DAN lebih mapan dari yang ini, PLUS mampu ngempanin anak gue." FOTO SENDIRIAN, DI LUAR NEGRI = "Dilarang ngajak kenalan, kecuali kalo merasa mampu ngongkosin gue main ke sini." FOTO SENDIRIAN, DI TEMPAT WISATA DALAM NEGRI = "Gue mah anaknya irit! Diajak ke Bali juga nyengir!" FOTO BARENG TEMEN = "Paling enggak TEMEN-TEMEN gue ada yang keren" FOTO BARENG BINATANG PELIHARAAN = "Paling enggak gue LEBIH KEREN dari peliharaan gue kan..." FOTO BINATANG PELIHARAANNYA DOANG = "Paling nggak PELIHARAAN gue KEREN kan..." FOTO BARENG MOBIL = "Paling enggak lo nggak akan jalan kaki dah..!" FOTO JADUL/JAMAN MUDA = "Paling enggak DULU gue sempet rada keren n funky." FOTO BARENG PASANGAN, POSE MESRA/BERPELUKAN = "Gila, ni orang nempel mulu! Ngga nyadar gue udah bosen!" FOTO DI DEPAN RUMAH, BUSANA CASUAL/CASUAL BANGET = "Majikan gue sering pergi kok... Aman!" FOTO KARTUN/ARTIS/LOGO = "Jangan nilai gue dari segi tampang, lah... jangan, ya... JANGAN aja pokoknya!" FOTO SENDIRIAN, CLOSE-UP = "gila, gue keren ya?" FOTO SENDIRIAN, CLOSE-UP, POSE COVER MAJALAH = "gila, gue keren BANGET ya? ckckck!" FOTO SENDIRIAN, CLOSE-UP, POSE COVER MAJALAH, PAKE EFEK BLUR/SEPHIA/DLL = "SEANDAINYA ngga jerawatan/beruntusan/panuan/bopengan, gila, gue keren BANGET ya? ckckck!" GA ADA FOTO/FOTO CUMA SATU ITUPUN PAS FOTO, TRUS 'LAST LOGIN'-NYA LEBIH DARI 3 MINGGU YL=Join friendster gara2 ada temennya yang ngojok2in "Yuk ikutan friendster yuk, asik lho!" trus udah dijawabin "Males ah" tapi temennya tetep ngotot "Alaa... ikut deh, biar rame tauk..!" terus biar udah dibilangin "Enggak mau/engga sudi/engga sempet" tuh temen terus aja ngejar2 tiap hari akhirnya join biar terbebas dari teror tapi abis itu ngga pernah dibuka2 lagi. FOTO YANG SAMA, BEBERAPA BIJI=Baru join friendster, belom tau bhw friendster suka lelet, jadi waktu upload foto sempet bingung "loh, kok foto gue ngga nongol? Wah, uploadnya gagal nih. Coba lagi ah.." trus setelah nyoba agi; "eh! kok belom juga? gimana sih ni, gagal mulu. coba lagi ah..." Demikian seterusnya Hahahaha That was hilarious and kinda funny. Got it from my Friendster Bulletin board. Jadi yang jelas semua yang nampang di Friendster itu ga ada yang bener semua jadinya ya seperti di atas. Anyway even though friendster is good but it's getting kinda too crowded don't you think? Now many people have turned to orkut.com as an alternative. So if anyone wants to be added to my friendster list or even my orkut friends, give me a buzz or leave a message. Or you may add me with klomprangkentang@yahoo.com for friendster and hendra@gmail for orkut.Hehehe. It's great making new friends even though we don't really know each other. At least we can be a family even though only in cyber space. "We are a virtual family" slogan BF tuh.|W|P|108994862846226347|W|P|Di Balik Foto: Analisa Profil Friendster |W|P|hendra@gmail.com3/03/2006 05:44:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonyme|W|P|Foto kucing, gak pede ato karena kucingnya lebih cakep dari sang empunya,7/15/2004 01:20:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Tambah aneh aja rakyat Indonesia ini. kalau emang mau perubahan ya nggak gini caranya. Oknum Konsulat RI Coblos 8000 Surat Suara untuk SBY . Ini khan tambah membuat kerusuhan dan sangat berlebihan. Apakah ini emang atas instruksi Tim Sukses SBY-Kalla atau hanya kebodohan diri sendiri akibat pengkultusan terhadap seorang tokoh yang berlebihan? Ini jelas suatu kemunduran bagi proses demokrasi di Indonesia ------------------------------------ Tau nggak kalo Kasogi mulai 19 Juli mendatang akan menutup usahanya secara sepihak. Yup, salah satu merk sepatu yang aku kenal dari aku SD akan tutup for good. Karena keputusan ini tanpa didukung oleh pemegang saham minoritas maka mereka akan mengajukan tuntutan terhadap manajemen. Selain itu juga sekitar 2500 karyawannya juga mengurung alias menyandera direksi di dalam pabrik dalam rangka demo yang digelar sejak Selasa malam (13/7). ternyata alasan penutupan usaha sepatu ini adalah karena selama 5 tahun ini mereka mengalami defisiensi modal dan sejak 2003 memiliki hutang sebesar Rp 824,359 milliar dan rugi bersih Rp 96,156 miliar (itu uang semua). Wah salah satu saingan perusahaan tempatku bekerja akhirnya gulung tikar. For your info, aku bekerja di perusahaan yang membuat sepatu olahraga bermerk PRECISE as a designer. Emang sejak beberapa tahun terakhir, bisnis sepatu di Indonesia mengalami penurunan drastis. tahun lalu saja lebih dari 75% pabrik sepatu di Indonesia akhirnya harus tutup dan paling banyak di Jawa Timur yang notabene adalah tempatku bekerja. Bukan di Indonesia saja sih sebenarnya tapi juga di dunia. China, Korea dan banyak negara penghasil sepatu olahraga juga mengalami masa masa yang sulit. Semoga perusahaanku masih tetap bertahan dalam gempuran kondisi ekonomi yang nggak menentu ini. kalo nggak khan aku harus cari kerjaan lain....hiks...sedih banget deh.|W|P|108987243554582662|W|P|Berita Hari ini|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/14/2004 01:55:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P| Hamzah Haz Dukung Megawati Wah ternyata sekarang setelah para capres melihat bahwa perolehan suara mereka kurang signifikan untuk memenangkan pemilu kemarin, satu per satu mulai dukung mendukung. Setelah PKS mendukung SBY , sekarang giliran kubu Hamzah Haz mendukung Megawati. Apakah ini hanya politik busuk agar nantinya apabila kandidat tersebut yang maju, mereka boleh dapat "jatah" kekuasaan atau paling tidak mereka masih "diingat" oleh si penguasa? Menurut saya seharusnya biarkan aja para pengikutnya memilih salah satu dari kandidat yang akan menang pemilu putaran pertama ini nantinya. Tidak usahlah harus memberi dukungan secara "nyata". Rakyat Indonesia juga perlu pendidikan politik dimana mereka boleh melihat secara langsung kiprah pemimpin tersebut dan akhirnya bisa dengan hati nurani mereka memilih secara langsung siapa yang paling berkenan dihati mereka. Menurut saya para capres yang akan tersingkir pada pemilu putaran kedua seharusnya tidak usah saling dukung dalam arti secara langsung mendukung, akan tetapi biarlah menjadi oposan yang siap mengkritik pemimpin yang terpilih nantinya. Mereka seharusnya membiarkan para "pengikutnya" memilih untuk diri sendiri, bukan karena diajak untuk memilih seseorang. Terkadang penyakit rakyat Indonesia ialah bahwa mereka terlalu menjadi "pengikut" dan tidak berani bertanggung jawab sendiri akan pilihan mereka. Terus nantinya ketika pemimpin yang telah dipilihnya tersebut memiliki masalah maka mereka juga nggak akan merasa terbeban karena pada dasarnya itu bukanlah pilihan nurani mereka melainkan karena disuruh atau mengikuti kata orang lain. Tetapi dengan menimbang sendiri dan akhirnya memutuskan sendiri pemimpin yang menurut mereka layak untuk memimpin setelah dikaji dengan matang maka mereka memiliki suatu beban untuk mengawasi pemimpin tersebut agar benar sesuai harapan mereka ketika memilihnya. Tapi pendidikan politik di Indonesia memang belum pada taraf tersebut. Rakyat Indonesia masih lebih banyak pengikut daripada pemikir. kapan ya kira kira Indonesia bisa mandiri? Rakyatnya bisa dan berani menentukan nasibnya sendiri? Bukan harus selalu mengikuti orang lain yang belum tentu punya "niatan bersih" ? Hanya Tuhan yang tahu |W|P|108978813591202623|W|P|Hamzah Haz Dukung Megawati|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/12/2004 02:56:00 PM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well Hello everyone, guess what yes I'm still haven't recovered fully yet. I don't know what it is with me. Was it the weather or what cause a lot of people around me also have similar sickness. But why mine hasn't stopped, I don't know. It's not like I didn't take any medications or anything. I took what the doctor had given me and until the last one my disease hasn't recovered yet. I'm feeling kinda lazy because of the sickness. Can you imagine a head that feels like it's full of those gooey slime that comes out of the nose everytime you try to take a little bit of air into your lungs. Or can you imagine that i have to make known to everyone that I am still breathing because everytime I breath I have to do so very loudly. hehe not to mention the *cough* that I had to let out from this clogged up throat that I have. AAARRRGGGGHHH. I can't stay home for too long cause I can't stand to stay home, cause I got nothing to do. I feel very useless there and that's not helping me with my sickness. But if I had to come to the office, well I will become the most contagious guy to hit town. hehehe. Now can you feel my pain. hehe Well I can't complain too much. My gf is having the same thing as me at the moment and she has it worst than me. Not to mention she has to put up with the PMS pain that she has at exactly the same time as the sickness. Hehehe. I can't imagine the pain. Sometimes she can't even get up from the bed. Poor Vanny. Well guys, don't just sit there staring...hehhee pray for me OK so that I will get well soon. Thanks for everyone that has been very kind to me. I hope I will get well soon. I really do hope so g R a f F i T y|W|P|108961898845967363|W|P|Sickness|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/09/2004 10:02:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well everyone, sorry to say that I can't post much today because I have been sick for the past four days. You know the usual cough and cold, but I don't think this is "usual" anymore, more of an unusual sickness cause it's been too long. I tried to come to the office today but I feel very sick. I don't know maybe I'll go home later. I want my mommy.....huhuuu - What do you think - |W|P|108934227944686554|W|P|I'm dead sick|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/06/2004 08:18:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Well, this weekend had been a very confusing weekend for me. Why confusing, because this weekend I had to think hard, been lied to, cried a little, upset a lot. Confusing really. Why you ask, well I can't tell you all the full story. But I nearly broke up with my girlfriend because she lied to me and several times this week. I don't know why she did this. She said that I haven't been 'open' to her and that I never tell her the stories of what I did everyday and she thinks that maybe I'm hiding something from her. According to her she has tried many things to make me open up and she failed. Well the last one she tried was that she bought a new SIM card and message me pretending to be someone that used to have a crush on me many years ago and I haven't seen since. She was testing me, if I was gonna tell her or not. Well I didn't believe it from the beginning that it was 'the other girl' lets just say H. How do I know? Well for one, the number that I'm using now is new and that I haven't given it to anyone that maybe H knew so she wouldn't be able to find me from her friends, secondly H never called me as whta she wrote on that message so it was obvious that it was a fraud. I had a feeling that this was V, my girlfriend, cause she sometimes have stupid ideas like this. She messaged me several times asking me to meet her someplace. I said that she should just contacted me in my office and never at home or my cellphone. I wanted that if it was really H that we would meet profesionally. But she was childish and force to meet. I was angry at the message and I told her off. I wrote back with a rather "harsh" reply. But she still keep coming back. So I rang V and told her about it and she pretended to be shocked as if she doesn't know anything. But from what she says it made it clear that it was her, but I just couldn't prove it. I already accused her of doing it and she even got angry at me for doing it. But she wasn't a good liar and she hasn't planned the whole thing too well. That Friday we had our arguments and I came home angry. But on Saturday I decided that maybe it's not her cause I was thinking for the best. So we made up, and she was happy. But that night I got a message from a girl that I once help over the internet and the message was quite "romantic" according to her and she asked and I told her and she said why she never knew about it and I said I was afraid that she was gonna think that I was cheating cause she sometimes thinks that way. I never cheat on her. NEVER. We had our arguments again and it was bad. At the end of the night we decided to tell each other things that we have been keeping to ourselves recently. I told her everything and she also told me a few stuff, but not that story above. So I never thought of it again, even though I was hurt. On Sunday after church at around 9pm we went home, and she got a message from her relatives from out of town, and her mom told her to message them back. She said that it needs time to do that and she can't do it now cause there are several process that have to be done. I was confused but just kept it to myself. She went to her room and close her doors and she messaged from inside. I walked to the door and heard clicking sounds as if someone open their cellphone and changed SIM cards. When she returned I asked her about it she denied it and made it as if it was true. I don't know but maybe God just kept putting these questions on my head and at last she couldn't answer me and just looked at me with disbelief. She can't say a word and at last she admitted that she was behind it all and that the number that she was using is a friends number (name is N). She said if you don't believe that I should ask her. I said we should go there right now so I can ask so she doesn't have any chance to make her friend tell another 'story'. She said that it was late and not wise to do it now. I was angry and was about to go home. She begged me for another chance and that she would never do that again, cause she did that out of her desperation. I didn't budge, never said a word while she begged me and cried out loudly and her parents came out to ask what had happened and I was just as silent as a rock. She kept begging and kissing my feet. I said don't I don't like what she's doing. She begged like that (like crazy really) for about 20 minutes for me to give her another chance. God lightened my heart and at the end before I finally went home I said OK that I will give her another chance. On Monday she messaged me using the number that was supposed to be N's the one she used to test me. I was traumatic with that number and asked why she still using that number and she said that her credits on the other number is empty and that she has some left on this other one. So I was confused again and asked if that was her number, she said yes it was. So I got angry again cause yesterday she swore that she has told about everything and nothing was left to be said of the case. She ended it as if the number still belongs to N who helped her. I was furious and said that the chance that I gave last night has just ended and told her not to bother me again. She kept on begging me. I turned off my phone. I also don't have a phone at home so she couldn't reach me. She tried everything but I said I wont be home and I don't know when I'll return. I was confused, angry being lied to, don't know what to do. So I just ride off with my motorcycle and just surf the Surabaya's streets. Don't have any destinations, just wanna cool my head off so I am not angry continously. Sometimes I turn my phone on and found out that she's been trying to reach me and that she wanted to come to my house at night and will wait until I return home. I kept it off after I messaged her not to come. At last i return home at 10pm and went to bed cause my head was swirling and just kept spinning. What a day. At about 11pm she came with her friend N and knocked on the gate. I woke up and saw that it was her, she was crying and gave me a letter and asked to give her another chance. I said to her to just go home and I didn't even open the gates. She went home crying badly and I return back to my room crying also, and began to pray again. God once again gave me a strong heart and made me want to forgive her. I thank God for this and went to bed. This morning I called her to tell her about my decision. She was sick, her voice was low and I can barely hear her. She was happy. I know that she can change and that I'm no angle and that sometimes people made mistakes. But God is forgiving to me. All my tresspasses He has forgiven, so why can't I forgive her also. I was kinda ashamed to God. I don't know maybe some of you will think of me as stupid, but this is what God has put in my heart and that this decision that I made gave me a thankful heart and a joyful heart, so I'm not complaining. I wanna open up new chapters in my life with V. Thank You God for a confusing weekend, but it made me feel alive again, even though I'm hurting. - What do you think - |W|P|108908019488454790|W|P|Nearly Broke Up|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/02/2004 08:59:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|To all fellow indonesians, whether you are right here in this country or maybe somewhere abroad: Well as you may all know that next monday will be the presidential election for the new Indonesian government. As you probabaly also know that there are 5 pairs of candidates that are running for president and vice-president of Indonesia, which are Wiranto and Salahudin Wahid, Megawati and Hasyim Muzadi, Amien Rais and Siswono Yudhohusodo, Susilo Bambang Y and Yusuf Kalla and last but not least Hamzah Haz and Agum Gumelar. The five pairs of candidates are "good" in thir own way and also "bad" in a similar way. Probably you've also followed the debates on television or maybe even attended one someplace. You've heard their promises and have put into your mind what was right and what was "not right". You can judge for yourself who will be true to their words and who will be liars. But it's quite difficult because they all show nice faces now, but we can't really predict the future. So I urge everyone to pray for them all, every single one of them, and ask God who will be the best person to govern Indonesia. We haven't the time for another trial and error situation, it's time to rise up and get out of this "deep black hole". We need the leaders that are sincere, strong, knows what the people needs and are powerful enough to say no to corruption and other Indonesian "bad tradition" that have been shown to us by former Presidents. Ask your heart who it thinks can lead us all out of this situation, and be honest to yourself. Maybe some of us are a fanatic to one of the candidates. I ask you again to reconsider also the other candidates and if the ones that you like really win in all aspects from the other candidates then choose them. There are no needs for "stupid fanatism" anymore, what we need is an honest leader. So next Monday when you are in that booth and even before that, think and rethink cause once you puncture that ballot paper then there's no turning back. Please everyone, choose wisely and use your heart and not only your knowledge and likes or dislikes. Let's think about everyone in this country. From big to small, from rich to poor, aristocrats to a mere janitor, everyone needs a better Indonesia. Also don't forget to pray for the candidates that you choose cause without the help of God, they are nothing and can't do nothing. Choose with your heart - What do you think - |W|P|108873565674231335|W|P|Choose with your heart|W|P|hendra@gmail.com7/02/2004 07:30:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonyme|W|P|disini[blanda] ngga ada beritanya , biasanya kalo ada 'sesuatu'baru aja ada beritanya.

met weekend
http://www.digitsplace.com/7/01/2004 09:23:00 AM|W|P|klomprangkentang|W|P|Wuihhhh kueeesseeeell e rek. Kemaren aku habis pindah kontrakan. Maklumlah...masih ngontrak nggak punya duit untuk beli rumah sendiri. Aku ngontrak sama adikku yang ada di Surabaya, Ohio namanya (diambil dari Ohio state, a place where my dad went to get his masters). Kamarnya sih nggak besar besar amat. Di depan itu ruangannya kira kira 3mx3m trus ke tengah itu sekitar 2,5mx3m trus bagian belakang lagi yaitu tempat dapur dan kamar mandi dan tempat nyuci itu sekitar 2,5mx5m gitu. Jadi panjang ke belakang. Well Aku khan nyari tempat ini juga nggak kampang, tapi dengan bantuan Tuhan, kok ya aku ke tempat itu nanya2 trus dibilang sebenarnya ada kamar tapi dikontrakkan. Padahal aku nggak pernah ke tempat (daerah) itu sebelumnya. Amazing. Well maybe for some of you out there, this place is just another dump, but it's home to me. Tempatnya lumayan bersih, hanya airnya agak kuning, I just found out this morning. Tapi nggak apa apa kok. I kinda like it. Oleh karenanya maka kemarin itu akupun "terpaksa" untuk meliburkan dirikupun untuk urusan inipun. Karenapun akupun harusnya sudahpun keluarnya dari rumah lamakupun tanggal 1 Julinya. Oleh karena itupun akunya menyakakan pada Phunnehpun akan kesiapannya untuk membantu diriku yang hina ini berbenah benah dan membersih bersih akan rumah itunya. Wuih kerja keraspun dimulailah. Diriku dan dirinya membersihkan dan memindahkan pun akan barang barang "berharga" yang kumilikinya. Kami pun seharian "hunting" beberapa barang berharga lainnya kemana mana. Seperti dispenser, kompor gas, rice cooker, ember dan gayung, piring piring, gelas, sendok dan garpu, lap pel, setrika dan banyak hal lainnya. Weleh akupun serasa ibu ibu yang berbelanja hehehe. Tapi yang paling menynangkan akupun ialah bahwa dirinya menemani akan dirikupun sepanjang hari bahkan dimalam yang hening sunyipun akhirnya kami saling memijat untuk melepaskan kepenatan yang ada. hahaha. Wuih asyik deh. Wuih, akupun akhirnya bisa tertidur puas di malam yang dingin kemarin sambil memimpikan akan dirinya..."ohh what a night" Dasar lu. So enjoy this day pun *lalalalalalalala* - What do you think - |W|P|108865096126544530|W|P|Pindahan Rek...|W|P|hendra@gmail.com